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  Weed Cntrl Council

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Info on Lake Gaston Weed Control Council  (LGWCC)

The acquisition and management of public funds used for the management of weed control on Lake Gaston is under the authority of the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council (see link below to their website). 


Photo of a pond covered with weedsIn the winter of 2004-5, the Lake Gaston Stakeholders' Board was established through the efforts of the LGWCC and the LGA, and the support of ESPN/BASS among many others. The objective: find the best approach for controlling aquatic weeds in Lake Gaston.  The mission:  create and carry out an effective, long-term plan for the management of aquatic life (fish and vegetation) in Lake Gaston. 


The Management Plan was released to the public February 3, 2006, and is available on this site and the LGWCC site.  The Stakeholders Group is an organization comprised of nationally known experts in the field of noxious weeds, as well as government representatives with Fish & Wildlife, Game & Inland Fisheries, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, five local counties, ESPN/BASS, Lake Gaston Weed Control Council (LGWCC), Lake Gaston Association (LGA), Roanoke River Basin Assoc (RRBA), Striper Club, Dominion Power, local area media, businesses, and many other organizations with an interest in managing the aquatic weed growth in Lake Gaston.  The Stakeholders' Board meets periodically, and meetings are open to the public.  Minutes of the meeting are posted on the Stakeholder's Board page of this LGA site and the LGWCC website.


Click on the Links Below to be Redirected to:


Lake Gaston Weed Control Council website


·          2007 Treatment & Revegetation Evaluation Component

·          2006 Budget

·          2005 Board

Lake Gaston Technical Advisory Group (TAG)


Professional Lake Management (LGWCC Contract Applicator)


LGA Information Concerning the Proposed Special Service Tax Districts for partial funding of the  treatment plan

·          What is Hydrilla?

·          What is a Grass Carp?


This web address specifically discusses the Virginia State Invasive Species Program

   Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia


These sites discuss North Carolina Programs

·         Gateway to Federal & State Invasive Species Activities & Programs

·         NC Aquatic Weed Control Program


The following web site will describe the national level progress on invasive species legislation.

Invasive Species Legislative Update