its disastrous effects
This page provides informative links on the aquatic noxious weeds infesting the
waters of Lake Gaston, NC & VA
Originally introduced in the United States as an
aquarium plant, Hydrilla has spread throughout the US and abroad. It grows
rapidly from fragments, tubers and turions, and can remain dormant for 7+
years. Hydrilla is unintentionally and easily spread from small weed
fragments severed by boat motors. It is transported from lake to lake
attached to boat trailers or motor propellers.
Since it can grow as much as eight inches a day in clear water, this noxious
plant can establish itself quickly and spread rapidly.
"An ounce of prevention...is worth a pound of
cure." More
than 20% of Lake
Gaston's 20,000+ acres is infested with Hydrilla. These 4,000+ acres are primarily
concentrated along our shoreline in depths of up to 10 feet. And worse, the
number is increasing rapidly with insufficient funds to control the growth.
Please support all efforts to insure & protect your property values through
control of this nuisance plant.
Hydrilla - a Description
Economic Importance (Excerpt from The Western Aquatic Plant Management
In areas of North America where Hydrilla has
become established, Hydrilla has major detrimental impacts on water use.
Hydrilla adversely affects aquatic ecosystems by forming dense canopies that
often shade out native vegetation. Extensive monospecific stands of Hydrilla can
provide poor habitat for fish and other wildlife, although Hydrilla is eaten by
waterfowl and is considered an important food source by some biologists. While
dense vegetation may contain large numbers of fish, density levels obtained by
plant species such as Hydrilla may support few or no harvestable-sized sport
fishes. Dense mats alter water quality by raising pH, decreasing oxygen under
the mats, and increasing temperature. Stagnant water created by Hydrilla mats
provides good breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Hydrilla interferes with
recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing and water skiing. In
the Western states, Hydrilla has the potential to impact power generation,
irrigation, and water delivery systems by clogging dam trash racks and intake
In areas where Hydrilla, Eurasian watermilfoil,
and Brazilian elodea coexist, Hydrilla outcompetes these other two noxious
species. Hydrilla has the potential to cause greater adverse impacts to aquatic
ecosystems than either Eurasian watermilfoil or Brazilian elodea, both severe
problem species in some Western states. In states where Hydrilla has become
established, millions of dollars are spent each year for management activities.
Gaston Weed Control Council (LGWCC)
Gaston Association
Dominion Power
United States Dept. of Agriculture
North Carolina Aquatic Weed Control Program
North Carolina State University - Crop Science Department
University of Florida
Other State Links
Eradication Efforts in the US
If you would like to suggest other useful links
on this issue, please contact the