June 16, 2010
In the absence of a committee chairman, Doug Hughes called the meeting to order at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grill at 8:30 a.m.
Members present were Doug, Bruce Johnson, Pete Deschenes, George Kimbell and Ron George. Also attending was Al Potter, a member who resides in Granite Hall Shores in Mecklenburg County.
ACOE Planting Support: Bruce reiterated his need for volunteers to carry out the relocation and re-vegetation of 45 enclosures in Hubquarter Creek with native plants from Caladonia Prison Farm. The committee agreed that we should go forward in support of this effort. There was discussion concerning required manpower and boat platform support. Pete suggested that, before a date is set, Kirk Rundle, NC Wildlife, and Vic DiCenzo, VDGIF, be contacted to ascertain what support in manpower and machinery they may be able to provide and when that support might be available. The committee agreed, and Bruce will contact them. Once that information is available, the committee will proceed as necessary to support the effort with manpower and logistics.
FY2010/2011 Weed Funding:
Doug reported that Northampton, Mecklenburg and Warren counties will provide the full $116,000 for weed control. Brunswick has initially included $29,000, but it was hoped that pleas from Joee Hoxter and Wally Sayko to the Board for restoration to at least this year’s funding of $92,000 would be successful. (The final budget was approved Wednesday evening with only $29,000 allocated). Doug noted that Halifax will likely use Brunswick as an excuse not to provide full funding, but an exact amount was not known.
Water Levels: Doug noted an ongoing dialog with Jim Thornton concerning higher than normal water levels this spring, as verified by research by Bill Lindenmuth that was also provided to Jim. Jim was also notified of significant damage done to the shoreline as a result of high water levels and heavy boat traffic over Memorial Day weekend. Jim maintains that Dominion is authorized by FERC to operate up to 201 feet until June 15, which he has been doing, but didn’t cite a reason. This was new information, at least for Doug. Jim has not answered Doug’s latest email on the subject, and it appears water levels are now back to around normal.
Volunteer Survey: Bruce said that no date has been set for training or to start the survey, but that he would like to complete the training in early August and hit the lake later that month. Pete noted problems with the handheld computers – didn’t boot up, couldn’t find the satellite, not user friendly, etc. Bruce agreed to solicit specific problems from users, and relay that information to Patrick Dempsey for possible program changes or unit replacements as necessary.
Motocross Track:
George reported that Buddy Isles is back in court for violation of his letter of intent. He also noted that Isles has not paid any of the fines previously levied against him.
Sedimentation in Poplar Creek:
Ron reported that the tobacco farmer whose property is causing the runoff, did not plant any winter crops as he was supposed to do. Recent storms have continued to dump runoff in the Creek, to the point that searchers were unable to find a recent drowning victim for several hours, although his body was only 25 feet from his dock. Ron said this information was provided to the State, and may have been the impetus for the farmer finally planting soy beans about two weeks ago.
WC Noise Ordinance:
George, who is a member of the committee working on the ordinance, reported that the proposed ordinance is nearly completed, and includes enforcement either based on the use of a decibel meter or by the judgment of the officer on the scene. It is up for final revisions, comments by the committee, and then forwarding to the Board of Commissioners for approval. He noted that the County Manager has been a big help in getting the ordinance through the process.
Committee Chairman:
Doug reported that there are currently no candidates or volunteers to head up the committee.
New Business:
The meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for July 21 at the Grill, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
May 19, 2010
The committee meeting on Wednesday May 19, 2010 was attended by Bill Lindenmuth, George Kimble, Pete Deschenses, Ralph Domach, Bruce Johnson and Wally Sayko.
Aquatic Weeds: Discussed status on budgets for weeds management and what a couple counties are expecting to approve for 2010. No information solid enough to record.
LGWCC held its second meeting of 2010 on May 10th:
TAG presented the 2010 recommendations, which was approved by LGWCC. PLM presented the 2010 herbicide application treatment plan, approved. The treatment plan will be posted as soon as the LGWCC minutes are approved. The 2010 grass carp stocking was approved, who will fund the stocking is still in question. The VA Tech tracking research was approved for 2010, there was a question is additional fish will be tagged in 2010. The RFP for chemical providers was approved, SePro. Funding is still a major question.
Sedimentation/Erosion: George Kimble - No new information on Motor Cross erosion issue. Bill Lindenmuth stated that the Kerr Lake release levels will continue at 4,000 CFS, unless of course this last rain event raises Kerr Lake a great deal above 300 feet.
LEMS: Bruce Johnson – discussed the upcoming work effort being accomplished by the USACOE. LGA volunteers are being requested to participate in education on Tuesday and Wednesday (5/25 - 26). Tuesday, people will meet at the mouth of Lizard Creek. Wednesday, people will meet at US Route 1 ramp (Steel Bridge). USACOE will be teaching volunteers on planting, relocating grass carp enclosures and opening some existing grass carp enclosures, enclosure maintenance and monitoring.
Pete Deschenses made a motion, 2nd by Wally Sayko, to have Bruce contact/coordinate with Rob Richardson to get the hand held GPS computers updated or fixed. This means the hardware, software, applications, etc... Currently units are untrustworthy and difficult at best to use. Bruce will communicate with Patrick Dempsey to understand exactly what needs accomplished.
As this was my last meeting to chair this committee, there was discussion about who should take the task until Doug Hughes can find a replacement. No decision was made, as the only LGA director on the committee will also be ending his assignment in June/2010.
April 21, 2010
Doug Hughes, filling in for Vernon, called the meeting to order at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grill at 8:30 a.m.
Members present were Doug, Bruce Johnson, Pete Deschenes, Ralph Domach, George Kimball, Jack Saunders and Bill Lindenmuth.
Stakeholder Board Meeting: Bruce noted that after some consideration of the TAG proposal to insert the grass carp at River Ridge, Little Stonehouse, and Hubquarter, he felt these locations were not suitable for the offload due to physical constraints of the locations. He noted that all three are on private property and have no public access. Pete noted that the Stakeholder Board had already approved the TAG recommendation. After some discussion, Jack agreed to make a motion at the next Weed Control Council meeting to have Bruce Johnson assist the truck driver find appropriate introduction points for the carp to satisfy the coverage recommended by the TAG.
Volunteer Weed Survey:
It was motioned and passed that Bruce coordinate the survey this year. Bruce shared that, according to Rob, Bridget would not be available for the program this year, but that Justin Nawrocki, one of his students, would fill her role. No mention has been made of the cost to administer the program.
ACOE Research: Bruce was in receipt of an email (passed to all committee members) from Mike Smart outlining a planned ACOE visit to the lake from May 24 to 26. It was motioned and passed that Bruce would coordinate with Mike to determine exactly what support was needed from volunteers to assist with the visit and planned activities. Bruce asked for inputs from committee members on what specifics to ask Mike.
Water Management Meeting: Bill reported that flows from Kerr have been reduced, currently to 8,000 cfs, with expected reductions in May to 7,000 cfs in May and 6,000 cfs in June. He said the reductions were in support of the shad and striper spawning runs which have begun in the river. He noted that electro shocking of stripers by Wildlife in the river caught a 52 pound striper. Bill also reported that Raleigh’s requirement for additional water would likely be delayed by several years as demand has reduced significantly as a result of no new construction and the economy. He reported that a new water treatment plant was due to come on line but that it currently wasn’t needed. Bill also reported a renewed interest in modeling of lake effects from Kerr in conjunction with activity again in the ACOE 216 Study.
Doug explained that the decision to eliminate the phone tree portion of the Alert system was final. Brunswick, Northampton and Warren counties now have Code Red/Reverse 911, and Halifax is investigating installation of the system. He will find out if Mecklenburg has the system.
Motocross Track:
George reported that Warren County Planner Ken Krulic seems to have taken a recent interest in what is going on at the track. George didn’t know why.
Upcoming meetings:
Doug reported that he intends to focus on updating members on the weed situation by having Sarah Miller from SePro discuss chemical treatment, and Bruce make his presentation on grass carp at the May 5 monthly Board meeting. He also plans to focus on weeds at the June 12 Annual Meeting by inviting Mike Smart and Rob Richardson to speak.
Sediment Control:
Ralph brought the concerns of a neighbor in Flat Rock to the committee that his cove has filled in with sediment, reducing his water depth from about 4 feet to near nothing and making it impossible to get his boat out. Ralph was advised that, since the increased sediment seemed to be a result of natural forces and not human action, that his neighbor’s only option was to apply to Dominion for a permit to remove the sediment at his own expense. Ralph will advise the neighbor of the steps to take.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40.
February / March 2010
Can you believe it is 2010 already? I would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2009 LGA survey and specifically for your input on the effectiveness of the Environment Committee. The committee was pleasantly surprised with the 79% positive marks. Our committee will endeavor to address the topics and areas of concerns listed in the comments section. We realize that the Environment Committee and LGA as a whole still have a great deal of work to accomplish in our pursuit to improve the satisfaction of our responders. In 2010 we need to continue to take actions to enhance education, communication and representing our members with respect to Aquatic Weeds and Water Quality actions associated with watershed management.
The Roanoke River Basin By-State Commission met in early December 2009. Ideas on currently used methodologies for Inter-basin Water Transfer were presented by North Carolina DENR and Virginia DEQ. These methodologies will be considered by a subcommittee that is creating a proposal for future water allocation guidelines and Inter-basin Water Transfer for North Carolina and Virginia. The U.S Army Corps of Engineers are eagerly awaiting the proposal to consider future water allocation from Kerr Lake.
I hope to see the results of the weed surveys conducted by our volunteers at the next LGWCC meeting, which has yet to be set. I know that NCSU has all of our data and is doing the analysis and plotting the GPS coordinates of the sample collected.
As you’ve noticed the water levels in Lake Gaston has fluctuated daily over the last 2 months, this is due to Kerr Lake attempts to get the water levels back to winter levels (297 feet) in preparation for the spring rains. Kerr Lake has been releasing a great deal of water daily (18,000 CFS) for over 2 months due to extremely wet winter we’ve been experiencing, the hope is to lower this rate of release by mid January. Of course this all depends on the amount of precipitation we receive in the next month.
January 20, 2010
The committee meeting on Wednesday January 20, 2010 was attended by Jack Saunders, Bill Lindenmuth, George Kimble, Ron George, Pete Deschenses, Wally Sayko and Doug Hughes.
Weeds: Vernon- discussed the information disseminated in reference to weed control from the 5 county forum held 1/21/10. Bottom line was that county funding for the coming year could be very tough to come by, the forum discussed the importance of Lake Gaston to the community and how treatment of the weeds benefited everyone but, the county’s ability to continue to fund the $116 K may not be possible. We also discussed what was expected to come out of the LGWCC meeting to he held on 1/27/10.
Bill Lindenmuth and Doug Hughes plan on attending the Roanoke River Basin Coalition meeting to be held on 1/28/10 representing LGA. LGA will pay dues to ensure we are a voting member.
George Kimble relayed the following information in reference to the Motor Cross track in Warren County. The default judgment was not filed in a timely manner in Warren County resulting in the need to reschedule the court appearance. George did note that on Saturday, 1/16/10 a portion of the track was closed by the State Police due to the dust coming off the track was impairing driving conditions on highway 903.
Ron George updated us on the fact that sedimentation run off into Poplar Creek continues to be a very big issue. With all the rain over the last couple months the farmer has been unable to plant any winter corps to assist with watershed issues. The complaint to address this issue is still open, # 59.
I shared notification of an upcoming meeting on 1/29/2010 at the Best Western in Clarksville, VA to discuss concerns about the decline of LMB in the impoundment. I plan on attending this meeting.
The committee discussed the 2009 LGA survey results, specifically the Environmental questions and written comments. As a group we were pleasantly surprised with the 79% positive response on Environment/Watershed Protection. Our committee and LGA as a whole still have a great deal of work to accomplish in our pursuit to improve the satisfaction of the responders. We need to continue to take actions to enhance education, communication and representing our members with respect to Aquatic Weeds and Water Quality actions associated with watershed management in 2010.
December 16, 2009
The committee meeting on Wednesday December 16, 2009 was attended by Jack Saunders, Bill Lindenmuth, Bruce Johnson, George Kimble, Ron George and Pete Deschenses.
Weeds: Bruce Johnson informed us that NCSU has all the data from our volunteer surveys and accomplishing the analysis and documenting shore line sampled. Hopefully they will be able to present the information at the January 2010 LGWCC meeting.
I presented a summary of the Roanoke River Basin Bi-State Commission meeting held in Henderson, NC on December 3, 2009. We heard presentations from Tom Fransen of NC DENR on the topic of Jordan Lake Water Supply, Interbasin Transfer procedures and Jason Ericson of VA DEQ on Interstate Commission of the Potomac River Basin and the current procedures used.
Pete Deschenses brought up the concern that we want to ensure LGA continues to
maintain a voting or active member in the Bi-State Commission, wondering if
John Slaton was going to continue to stay involved. Jack Saunders will call
John to discuss his future involvement.
George Kimble relayed the following information in reference to the Motor Cross track in Warren County:
State has sent the Superior Court in Warren County an Entry of Default request. The parties are scheduled to be heard in Superior Court on January 5, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. on this issue and the related injunction.
The committee discussed the 2009 LGA survey results, specifically the Environmental questions and written comments. As a group we were pleasantly surprised with the 79% positive response on Environment/Watershed Protection. Our committee and LGA as a whole still have a great deal of work to accomplish in our pursuit to improve the satisfaction of the responders. We need to continue to take actions to enhance education, communication and representing our members with respect to Aquatic Weeds and Water Quality actions associated with watershed management in 2010.
November 18, 2009
The committee meeting on Wednesday September 16, 2009 was attended by Jack Saunders, Ralph Domach, Wally Sayko, Bill Lindenmuth, Bruce Johnson, and Doug Hughes.
Weeds: The committee discussed both the spread of Lyngbya and growth of hydrilla on the lake. The Lyngbya has defiantly increased its presence. While the hydrilla experienced a very sporadic and unusual growth pattern in 2010. The three year tuber test that was being conducted in Smith Creek and Hubquarter Creek was also a major topic of discussion as both creeks were not treated as expected for the third year. Does this null and void the tuber test? Questions were raised on the herbicide application, locations, and number of acres treated and different variations of reporting. These issues will be passed along to the LGWCC.
George Kimble reported that the North Carolina Assistant Attorney General for the Prosecution was going to progress with the enforcement action against the Motor Cross track owner in Warren County due to negotiations and discussions not being productive.
We had a great deal of discussion on the current lake water levels. With questions about why the Lake Gaston is so low, the lowest many of us have ever seen, especially with Kerr Lake declaration of releasing water as if they were experiencing flood conditions. Dominion Power is generating power but it seems at a faster rate than Kerr Lake is releasing water or at different times. The low water conditions are causing many home owners problems with lake access, not being able get their boats off the lifts.
Bill Lindenmuth informed the committee that LGA’s request for the, Citizens Water Quality Monitoring Mini-Grant Program, was turned down for 2010. That’s the bad news, the good news is that the Department of Environment Quality has offered a serviceable multiprobe available through their volunteer monitoring imitative and the Lake Gaston Association will be put near the top of the list. We will put in our request for the equipment in the spring of 2010.
The 2010 volunteer aquatic weed survey is completed and the equipment has been turned in to Vernon and Bill Lindenmuth. The lesson learned this year is to start our survey and sample efforts earlier next year; end of September is too late. Many of the areas seen with hydrilla this summer had already started dying. While the amount of shore line sampled was less than 2009, the effort was still very successful. Thanks to everyone who took the time and effort to conduct the survey. NCSU has our data as is currently performing the mapping and analysis.
October 21, 2009
The committee meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 was attended by Jack Saunders, Bill Lindenmuth, Bruce Johnson, and Patrick Dempsey..
Weeds: The committee discussed the area of the lake that had been surveyed by the volunteers and the plan to finish up as much mapping as possible before the end of the survey.
There was a brief discussion of the upcoming meeting in Charlottesville, VA on October 30, 2009 with the folks from the Center for Watershed Protection to discuss the Flat Creek and Broad Creek TMDL Implementation Plan (IP) Development. Further details will be available after the meeting. This lead to a discussion of Virginia's Storm Water Management Law in general. Each county in VA can adopt the state's program (which is detailed at or they can create their own program provided the program is at stringent as the state program. Bill Lindenmuth took an action item to check with Mecklenburg County for their version of the plan.
Finish your Vegetation Surveys.
With no further items to discuss the meeting was adjourned.
September 16, 2009
The committee meeting on Wednesday September 16, 2009 was attended by Jack Saunders, Ralph Domach, Wally Sayko and Patrick Dempsey.
Vernon Wilson – shared the response to a letter I wrote to Dr. Robert Richardson of NCSU regarding the very fast return of hydrilla to the Smith Creek area. Smith Creek was on a 3 year test program to monitor hydrilla tubers. But, Smith Creek did not get the third year treatment for whatever reason and I was surprised at the speed of hydrilla return to the creek considering 2 years of treatment with SONAR (fluridone). The 2009 herbicide treatment with public funding is complete.
Bill Lendinmuth –
Jack Saunders, Bruce Johnson – Jack will be sending a note out in the next couple days to tell the Volunteer Vegetation Scouts to start their scouting process. Jack told the committee that LGWCC has already requested to output from our scouting results for 2009. For those not present at the Volunteer Vegetation Scouting training I shared the documentation and discussion from the training.
Vernon Wilson – no new input
The Environment Committee discussed and reviewed the mission statements and objectives for the Environment Committee and LEMS, LGAlert, Weeds and Sedimentation subcommittees.
The 2009 Environment Committee submitted the 2010 budget to Jack Saunders.
The committee meeting on Wednesday August 19, 2009 was attended by George Kimble, Jack Saunders, Ralph Domach, Bill Lindenmuth, Ralph Domach and Dough Hughs. We were also happy to have Fredrick and Dalphna Williams attend the meeting as visitors.
Vernon Wilson – Herbicide treatment with public funding continues and is almost completed for 2009. Short discussion on Smith Creek not being treated in 2009 and the fact that hydrilla has come back very fast considering that it was one of the 2 creeks on the 3 yr tuber test. Along with the speed the hydrilla returned to the flats behind the islands. I will write a note to Dr. Rob Richardson to inform him of the fast return on hydrilla considering the test.
Fredrick and Dalphna Williams wanted assistance with a serious sedimentation issue they are experiencing in Carolina Pines subdivision since NC State paved a road adjacent to the subdivision. Now the run off during rain storms has filled the lake area with sedimentation. George Kimble will provide Fredrick and Dalphna with contacts in NC DENR to voice their concerns.
George Kimble stated that the Motor Cross establishment in Warren County has exceeded the filed injunction against the establishment (30 days) and the next step in the process is court proceedings. Warren County will hold a workshop session on noise ordinance on 8/19/2009, the county currently does not have a substantial noise ordinance.
Bill & Joyce Lindenmuth and Roland & Judy Beauchaine attended an informational meeting in South Hill August 4, 2009 on the Flat Creek and Broad Creek TMDL Implementation Plan (IP) Development. Both Mecklenburg County creeks were found to be impaired for recreational use by exceeding EPA standards for Total Maximum Daily Load of bacteria. Additionally, Flat Creek is impaired for support of aquatic life by sedimentation. Nearly nine miles of Flat Creek, extending from the South Hill Regional Sewage Treatment Plant to Lake Gaston, were declared impaired by the Virginia Water Control Board in 2004 and seven miles of Great Creek, from its headwaters to Lake Gaston, were declared in 2007. Development of the IP has just begun and is scheduled for completion in May 2010.
Two formal public meetings are planned as part of the IP process. The first will be held this September and next in late spring. These meetings will help ensure that the information used in the IP is accurate and reflects the concerns/issues of the watershed stakeholders. Representatives from the VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation and Southside Planning District Commission emphasized the importance of public attendance and participation at these meetings to show their support and commitment to the plans’ implementation. The LGA will publicize these meeting dates by email and encourages our members to attend for the benefit of our lake’s quality.
Jack Saunders – The LEMS/Volunteer Vegetation Scouting was held on August 27, at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill. There were 20+ participants at the training session, some past volunteers and some new volunteers. The education session went very well with Bridgett Lassiter and Steve Hoyle from NCSU presenting the results from the past scouting surveys and expectations for the 2009 scouting tasks. Bridgett covered the history of the project and some changes in sampling tactics for 2009. Bridgett also discussed the need for aquatic vegetation in the lake as a food source and habitat for amphibian and young fish.
During the 2008 scouting effort, twenty-four volunteer’s sampled over 4,200 distinct points covering 171 miles of shoreline. Hopefully we will successfully cover the same areas and add new areas in 2009. Some of the changes to be incorporated during the 2009 scouting exercise are to take samples every 400 feet verses 200 feet as in the past, unless the sample site shows evidence of Lyngbya, and then go back to taking a sample every 200 feet. We are to really concentrate of the locations with Lyngbya to better understand the spread of this very invasive alga. Sampling should be accomplished in 10 feet of water or less to limit the amount of unsuccessful sampling. If during your sampling you find a cove with covered or matted hydrilla, just note the GPS coordinates and state that the entire cove has surfaced hydrilla.
Steve Hoyle educated the volunteers on aquatic weed identification with samples of plants. Steve also showed us sample of good plants that we want in Lake Gaston.
Unfortunately we did not have the hand held computers for demonstration and education. But, when the volunteers pick up the hand held computers/GPS education will be provided.
LGAlert: Vernon – no new information
The committee meeting on Wednesday July 15,
2009 was attended by George Kimble, Jack Saunders and Ralph Domach.
Treatments are well underway. The schedules and maps of areas treated are on
Skips Aquatic Solutions, web site All 5 counties budgets are
now completed and approved. The only county to completely remove weed control
from their budget was North Hampton County. Brunswick County’s finalized
budget reduced the contributions to $92,922 in 2009. Warren County, Halifax
County and Mecklenburg County will contribute the full amount of $116,000 in
George Kimble reported that an Injunction letter has been sent to the owners
of the Motor Cross facility.
Jack Saunders stated that the next Aquatic Weeds training session is scheduled
for August 19, 2009. Location is still to be determined.
The committee meeting on Wednesday June 17,
2009 was attended by George Kimble, Bill Lindenmuth, John Cataldo, Pete
Deschenes, Ralph Domach and Wally Sayko.
discussed the budgets for the 5 counties and possible effects on LGWCC
funding. Over the next month all 5 counties will finalize their budgets and we
will learn which counties will continue to fund weed control with the normal
$116,000 yearly budget. Currently we are aware that North Hampton may cut weed
control totally from their budget, Brunswick County may reduce their
contribution by approximately 40%.
The committee was briefed on the second, Roanoke River Basin Bi-State
Commission, meeting held on June 30, 2009. The majority of the meeting was
devoted to Kerr Lake Regional Water Systems Inter-basin Transfer request. The
Environmental Impact Study is currently underway and is expected to be
completed in the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2011. North
Carolina Representative, Lucy Allen, shared information on House Bill 802
(North Carolina) an 18 month old Water Allocation study, still in draft. The
most interesting paragraphs in my opinion was that the inter-basin water
transfer laws in North Carolina will be extremely tightened, possibly to the
point that inter-basin water transfers could be reduced drastically.
George Kimble informed us that the attorney
dealing with the Motor Cross issues expects an injunction to filled in the
very near future.
Jack Saunders is still waiting on a response from North Carolina State
University on the summer training schedule. In addition, a mission statement
with objectives of study associated with all the data collected and provided
via LEMS volunteers.
Vernon will draft a thank you letter to River
Ridge HOA for the use of their facilities and boat ramp during the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers revegetation planting project conducted June 9 – 11.
A very special thank you to all the LGA
volunteers that worked on the project. The LGA participants were Bill and
Joyce Lindenmuth, Pete and Susie Deschenes, John Cataldo, Jack Saunders and
Bob Stelzner.
I’ve attached a brief written by Jack
Saunders on the successful revegetation Project.
This is a brief report of the 2009 USACOE
Revegetation Project on Lake Gaston. At the Stakeholders Board meeting in
February, I picked up a few action items, one of which was to coordinate with
Dr. Smart from the USACOE, to prepare for the subject project. Originally the
project was going to be completed in May, but had to be rescheduled to June.
I coordinated with Dr. Smart and Mr. Manning to pick up items purchased by the
LGWCC to support the revegetation. This was done on Monday, 8 June. The
materials were purchased by the LGWCC through Lowes in Roanoke Rapids and
Lowes contributed five cases of water for the project. Pete Deschenes and I
went to the Professional Lake and Land Management (PLM) facility Monday
afternoon to meet the USACOE contingent and to pick up stored material
previously bought for the revegetation project. PLM furnished both the heavy
truck for towing and the huge trailer for transporting the material which they
loaded by fork lift in the trailer. We were met at River Ridge by Vernon
Wilson of the LGA Environmental Committee who had arranged with the security
and property owners association at River Ridge for access of all the personnel
involved, the parking of vehicles and the equipment trailer, the area for
building enclosures and dock and launch facilities for the vessels being
used. The Security people from River Ridge made sure that we had no delays
and were available to us at all times for anything we needed.
Dr. Smart and I went to the Caledonia State Prison
Farm early Tuesday to begin collecting plants for the revegetation project.
When we arrived at River Ridge there were many volunteers at work - six from
the LGA (one of which is also Va Bass), three from NCWR, three from Va DGIF,
two from NC Bass, plus the other three contract USACOE persons (including one
who was recently badly injured but would not stay home during the project
activity). Some folks built large enclosures on the water, while smaller ones
were built on shore all day on Tuesday. Dr. Smart and I returned to
Caledonia. In all, on that day we transported 91 containers of plants with
between 6 and 8 plants in each. Dr. Smart went back for more on Wednesday
morning after emptying some of the containers at River Ridge. Initially, I
thought we had too many containers, but that was not correct. In all,
somewhere over 700 plants were transported and around 537 enclosures were
The temperature was about 90 average with 90 per
cent humidity. There was no breeze most of the time. The folks worked from 9
AM to after 5 PM both days. A few of us had lunch the first day. 6 had lunch
the second day. One of the youngsters from Texas said he was asleep by seven
on Tuesday. Of course he could really work and pull his load while I was
pushed loading and driving.
I was happy to be a part of the activity. The
USACOE folks are very knowledgeable and dedicated. They were a joy to work
with particularly since two were young, sturdy men who worked circles around
us older folk. The DGIF and NCWR personnel were similarly dedicated and
knowledgeable and worked their butts off and without them the project could
not have been completed in a week much less the two days that the project
really took. Those three groups represent people that knew what they were
doing in all aspects. Bob Stelzner, from the Brunswick County Lake Gaston
Water Safety Committee, brought their work boat to support the effort, and was
really a big help in hauling the loads of enclosures and plants since his
vessel was largest. The rest of us local volunteers just did as we were
directed, because we had not done this before. But the masters made us blend
in and it was just one really homogeneous group that worked well together.
So. the bottom line is that the USACOE revegetation
project (the installation part) is complete for this year. They will continue
to monitor the growth and health of the plants. I really think that the LGWCC
should recognize the contributions from all the groups that participated and
supported the activity. I believe that the folks and organizations involved
in this project are genuinely interested in the continued high quality
resource we treasure as Lake Gaston.
Jack D. Saunders, LGWCC Director from Northampton
(Please note that many participants are involved in
multiple organizations. Some are Directors of the LGWCC and members or
Directors of Officers of the LGA, or the LGWSC or the Virginia or NC BASS
The committee meeting on Wednesday May 20, 2009 was attended by George Kimble,
Bill Lindenmuth, Bill Bryant, Jack Saunders and Ron George.
Weeds: Vernon Wilson-updated the committee on the LGWCC meeting held May 14,
2009. Skip presented plans based on Brunswick County cutting their funding by
approximately 50%, which not only effected the application for Brunswick
County but, also North Hampton and Mecklenburg Counties downstream of
treatment areas. In the meeting Jack Saunders informed us that Northampton
County has pulled 100% of their funding of the LGWCC. Jack has crafted a
letter to Northampton County Board of Supervisors to let them understand the
effects of pulling the funding for the treatment of hydrilla from the budget.
There will also be a public meeting in Brunswick County to discuss the
proposed budget on May 20, where John Cataldo has arranged for some speakers
to address their Board of Supervisors with regards to the cutting of the
funding. Bottom line is until all the 5 county budgets are finalized an
herbicide application plan cannot be created or approved. Stay tuned.
Sedimentation and Erosion: Bill Lindenmuth -updated us on the lake level
concerns. Many lake residents have voiced concern over the lake levels in the
last couple months. But, the lake has actually stayed pretty constant at 199.5
or 199.3, well within the limits agreed on with Dominion Power. Hopefully with
the summer just weeks away the lake levels will be maintained a little higher,
especially on weekends.
George Kimble -stated that NC government is still working on the motor cross
legal issues.
LEMS: Jack Saunders- The USACOE replanting project is still moving along. Jack
has a list of required materials that he will be purchasing from Lowes when
the LGWCC writes a check to cover the cost. We are still attempting to acquire
boats and barges to move the pens and cages. Rivers Ridge has agreed to allow
the USACOE to utilize their facilities to stage the building of the cages and
pens required for the replanting effort. We are still looking for volunteers
to assist with the project.
Jack, Pete and Patrick will meet with NCSU on May 29, to discuss the future of
our weed scouting efforts and what is being accomplished with the data
collected. Future weed identification and surveys will depend on the outcome
of this meeting. The LGWCC has agreed to fund NCSU $5,000.00 for additional
hydrilla survey’s and data correlation.
15, 2009
The committee meeting on
Wednesday April 15, 2009 was attended by John Slaton, Ralph Domach, George
Kimble, Pete Deschenes, Wally Sako, John Cataldo, Bill Lindenmuth and Bruce
Discussed the last LGWCC meeting and the fact the Skip’s Aquatic Solutions won
the 2009 applicators contract. I was educated on the issues surrounding the
articles in the Lake Gaston new paper associated the chemical suppliers
disagreements on which company submitted the lowest bids associated with
providing the chemicals to Skip’s Aquatic Solutions. Cygnet won the contract
to supply the chemical manufactured by SePRO. Bruce Johnson discussed the
issue with respect to NCSU (Bridget) not getting any grant money this year to
continue studying and compiling the data gathered by our volunteers and asking
if LGA could fund the continued work. The committee was all in agreement that
if funds are required for NCSU continued participation they should go to the
LGWCC and ask for funding. It is our feeling that we do the majority of the
work, collecting the information which takes hundreds of man hours and if the
information is useful to LGWCC for future aquatic weed control decisions then
the LGWCC should fund the project. We, LGA are willing to reimburse NCSU for
any expenses associated with educating our LEMs volunteers on weed
identification, etc... Bruce also informed the committee that the NC Wildlife
Resources agreed with our calculations that 6,522 grass carp should be
recommended for installation in Lake Gaston, who informed the TAG and the TAG
made the corrected recommendations to LGWCC which was accepted. Wally Sako
informed us that the LGWCC web site has been updated with the latest REMETRIX
survey report, a very large PDF file, Skip’s Aquatic Solutions 2008 report has
also been installed on the LGWCC web site. Bill Lindenmuth updated us on the
USACOE’s plan for planting of native aquatic vegetation. The date has been set
for June 9 -11, for the work effort. USACOE needs volunteers to assist with
the construction of enclosures for the plants and the placement of the
enclosures or cages in the lake. Jack Saunders is assisting the USACOE with
the availability of any boats and barges that can get into very shallow waters
to assist with the planting effort. Vernon will contact the TBF State Junior
Bassmasters to see if we can get some volunteers also. John Slaton asked if we
had any information on alternative herbicides being tested or available for
the treatment of hydrilla. Bruce Johnson gave us an update on a couple
chemicals that were discussed at the last aquatic weed conference he attended
and will provide the committee with any additional information as it becomes
available. TAG should be the organization that makes any decisions associated
with the use of alternative herbicide chemicals. Pete Deschenes stated that
LGA should ensure that we have a regular partnership with the NC DENR and the
state meetings from now on to ensure we have voice on any issues affecting the
Lake Gaston. Vernon Wilson is to draft a letter for John’s signature to the
USACOE asking for their plans to address the disposition of any enclosures
already installed in the lake that need either repaired, replaced or removed.
Sedimentation and Erosion:
George Kimble informed the committee that NC DWQ has issued yet another letter
to the Motor Cross establishment. John Cataldo updated the committee on the
first combined VARRBAC meeting with North Carolina’s equivalent organization.
This issue has already been presented to the LGA in the April monthly meeting.
Bill Lindenmuth will draft a letter for John’s signature to state the LGA
formal position on Kerr Lake Regional Water Systems desire to increase or
expand its allocation of the Kerr Lake water. North Carolina has already held
4 public hearings on the topic and the series of required actions.
Accomplishing an environmental study is one of the first actions required. It
is my understanding that the whole process will take 2-3 years. This does not
have anything to do with Raleigh, Durham area wanting or desiring
approximately 50 million gallons per day allocation from Kerr Lake. At this
point this issue is still on hold while the USACOE waits for the Roanoke River
Basin Advisory Commission to make a decision on how to address the issue with
both parties in agreement.
Jack Saunders and Bruce Johnson – 2009 Aquatic Vegetation training and any
plans of accomplishing the volunteer surveys are on hold until NCSU acquires
needed funds to do anything with the data collected in the surveys. The
USACOE has scheduled June 9 – 11, 2009 to accomplish the vegetation
replanting. The LGA is assisting with getting permission for a site to build
the cages and stage the replanting effort. Jack Saunders is checking into
lining up some boats, barges or large flat bottom skiffs to transport the
cages and plants.
March 18, 2009
Committee members Jack Saunders (Acting Chair), Bill Lindenmuth, Ralph Domach,
Patrick Dempsey, Ron George, Pete Deschenes, John Slaton and consultant John
Weeds: There was
a discussion which addressed the recommendations of the Technical Advisory
Group to the Stakeholders Board and the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council, and
a summary of the reviews accomplished at the recent Weed Control council and
the awards of contracts for 2009 chemical providers and the treatment
applicator. We discussed the recommendation for addition of sterile grass
carp for the year and the critical role that Bruce Johnson played in having
the formula adjusted to the correct point for application of mortality data.
LGA Alert
System: There had been a suggestion that the administration and update of the
Emergency Alert Notification List be returned to the Environmental Committee.
The Committee convinced the President to return the issue to the Officers.
Acting Chair will contact a member regarding assistance with updates.
Sedimentation/Erosion: There was a discussion of the upcoming Public Hearings
to address Kerr Lake Water System proposed Interbasin Transfers. There are 6
hearings in April, the closest of which is an April 6 hearing at 4-7 PM at the
Long Bridge Volunteer Fire Department at 1678 Eaton Ferry Road. There is also
a scheduled Virginia/North Carolina Roanoke River Basin Bi-State Commission on
27 March in Clarksville. There will be three representatives from the
Environmental Committee including John Slaton who is an appointed NC
Commissioner. There is potential to have the subject addressed by a guest
speaker at the May general LGA Meeting.
We also
readdressed the subject of potential Uranium Mining in Pittsylvania County,
VA. There are several groups we will attempt to contact including the City of
Virginia Beach, Public Works Dept, and the Southside Concerned Citizens. We
will continue to follow this activity. In both this and the interbasin water
transfer issues, we will develop an LGA position as soon as we have enough
data to do so.
LEMS: Acting
Chair reviewed activity to coordinate with Michael Smart of the Army Corps of
Engineers, to assess the assets and resources that Mike needs for spring
building and insertion of exclosures in revegetation test sites and for
accomplishing the actual planting of vegetation. Mr. Smart has assured us
that he will provide the necessary information, so that we can most
efficiently support him, in the upcoming weeks.
There was also a
discussion of coordination activity with Dr. Rob Richardson of NC State to
determine what his team may wish to change in the volunteer vegetation scout
activities this season to better utilize their time and to enhance the value
of the data. This includes some adjustments to the handheld GPS equipped data
entry computers, which may require some assistance in gaining grants or other
funding. Until this is resolved with NC State we will hold off on the annual
LEM refresher training.
The next meeting
of the Environmental Committee is 0830/15 Apr 2009 at the EFG&G.
February 18, 2009
The committee meeting on Wednesday February 18, 2009 was attended by Jack
Saunders, Ralph Domach, George Kimble, Pete Deschenes, Jack Saunders and Ron
Weeds: no update this meeting as we are awaiting for the Lake Gaston Stake
Holders meeting and decisions forth coming from the next LGWCC meeting where
hopefully a decision will be reported on who will be awarded the 2009
herbicide application contract.
Sedimentation / Erosion: Vernon- Pete has brought the renewed push from the
Raleigh, Durham and Cary for water allocation from Kerr Lake to our attention
via notes ref: Kerr Lake Regional Water System Interbasin Transfer Information
Request. I updated the committee on the last VARRBAC meeting that Bill and I
attended in Richmond, VA on February 6, 2009. Now that North Carolina has
finally formed their own Roanoke River Basin Advisory Commission (6 or 7 years
in the making) and held 2 meetings. The first bi-state RRBAC meeting will be
held in March 2009. The interbasin water transfer request will more than
likely be a major topic of discussion. The VARRBAC agreed in the 2/6/09
meeting that this issue is not going away and therefore something has to be
brought to VA legislation to address the issue. Last fall the USACOE stated
that no decisions would be made on future water allocations from Kerr Lake
until a study was accomplished. Pete suggested that we might try getting
Patrick McSweeny (attorney involved with the Virginia Beach water allocation)
to be a guest speaker at a future LGA meeting.
George Kimble reported that the NC DWQ planned on revisiting the motor cross
establishment and that there is no update on the NC Attorney General’s
Ron George, Pete Deschenes and Jack Saunders revisited the discussion on the
need for the LGA to make a formal stand on Uranium Mining in VA. I will
discuss with John Cataldo.
LEMS: Jack Saunders – waiting on outcome of the Lake Gaston Stake Holders
meeting to learn about future re-vegetation efforts by the USCOE and if there
should be future LEMS training in 2009 with regards to aquatic weed
21, 2009
The committee meeting on
Wednesday January 21, 2009 was attended by Bill Bryant, Jack Saunders, Ralph
Domach, Bill Lindenmuth, George Kimble and John Cataldo.
attended the public meeting hosted by the Uranium Mining Subcommittee in
Chatham, VA on January 6, 2009. This was the second public meeting to hear the
public’s concerns and input on the future study to determine if there can be
safe mining of uranium in Pittsylvania County, VA. The VA General Assembly
voted in November of 2008 to maintain the 25 year moratorium on mining uranium
in VA due to public health and safety concerns. The new study is being paid by
Virginia Uranium Inc., the General Assembly created the Virginia Coal and
Energy Commission’s Uranium Mining Subcommittee to oversee the study. The
study should take approximately 1 – 2 years to complete, at which time the
results will be presented back to the Virginia General Assembly.
Pete Deschenes brought
up a new issue with regards to the motor cross track in Warren County. Pete
says that he has heard concerns from 3 surrounding county lake residences with
the issue of noise associated with the motor cross events. George Kimble has
researched Warren County’s noise ordinance and it doesn’t appear sufficient to
address the concerns. George has agreed to work with Pete on the issue.
There were a couple days
in January that the lake level was a little higher than it has been in a few
months. It turns out this is the result of the first of three tests associated
with the Kerr Lake Interim Operations. The first test was a normal release of
water from Kerr Lake of 20,000 CFS; Lake Gaston didn’t release water at the
same time so the lake rose a few inches, still well within the normal range.
Hopefully we will get notification of the next test which will be a release of
25, 000 CFS, which also is not that unusual in the spring time or early
Vernon Wilson- the LGWCC held a meeting of January 15, 2009. In summary the
LGWCC decided to put off the selection and awarding the 2009 herbicide
applicator contract until the Remetrix survey and the LEM survey results are
presented to the TAG and Stakeholders in February. Once again there were
discussions about the economic and budget concerns for both states and all
five counties. The LGWCC approved writing letters to all five counties,
Virginia, North Carolina and Virginia Beach requesting funds for 2009 to treat
noxious weeds in Lake Gaston. Skip’s Aquatic Solutions handed out reports
summarizing the 2008 treatment he company carried out. Skip thought overall
the treatments were very successful. Skip feels he not only saved the amount
of chemicals utilized but in addition treated areas not originally planned.
John Catalo contacted
Wally Sako about the availability of a presentation that was in the works last
year to present to the counties in support of attaining weed control funding.
Wally said the presentation was never completed or approved by the LGWCC. John
plans on writing letters to all five counties asking for emphasis to ensure
there are plans to cover weed control treatments, additional law enforcement
and emergency response in the county’s budget plans for 2009 and 2010.
Bill Lindenmuth will draft
a letter of support as requested by Dr. Rob Richardson in an effort to gain a
grant for future aquatic weed studies and work.
The committee spent a
good deal of time working on the retreat Goal VI: Effectively Engage with
Community Partners. The committee spent a good portion of the meeting
discussing and working on our project. I will put together a status on the
work effort.
December 2008
The committee meeting on
Wednesday December 17, 2008 was attended by Bill Bryant, Jack Saunders,
Ralph Domach, Bill Lindenmuth, Ron George, Patrick Dempsey and John Cataldo.
SEDIMENTATION & EROSION: Jack Saunders asked if
the Environment Committee was aware of the 2 Ethanol plants that have been
approved in Mecklenburg County, VA and Northampton County, NC. Jack
asked if we thought our members were informed
regarding the methods used and material requirements for generation of a
gallon of ethanol.
Ron George asked if the Environment Committee was aware
of the Virginia Beach news article referencing the re-opening of studies to
mining Uranium in Virginia. As reported:
November 29, 2008 - Washington Post
"Despite opposition from the General Assembly, a state commission will study
whether more than 60,000 tons of uranium can be safely mined in rural
south-central Virginia in what is thought to be the nation's largest
undeveloped uranium deposit. "
I do plan on attending
a public meeting in January 6, 2009 hosted by the Uranium Mining Subcommittee.
WEEDS: Vernon Wilson- Nothing to report this
month while we wait for LGWCC to approve responses to the RFP’s sent in
November for 2009 herbicide application.
LEM’s: LGAlert: John Cataldo presented me with a
Status of the LGAlert calls as of 12/16/2008. I will get with Moira to better
understand the report and what actions are still required.
Bill Lindenmuth will draft a letter of support as
requested by Dr. Rob Richardson in an effort to gain a grant for future
aquatic weed studies and work.
The committee spent a good deal of time working on the
retreat Goal VI: Effectively Engage with Community Partners. The
committee spent a good portion of the meeting discussing and working on our
project. I will put together a status on the work effort.
The committee meeting on
Wednesday November 19, 2008 was attended by Bill Bryant, Bruce Johnson, George
Kimble, Jack Saunders, Jim Smalfelt, Ralph Domach, Bill Lindenmuth, Ron George
and Wally Sako.
George Kimble reported that North Carolina DWQ was filing an injunction
against Lake Gaston Motor Cross to resolve outstanding sedimentation issues.
Ron George discussed a major sedimentation issue in Poplar Creek associated
with dairy farm pasture land that has been leased by a tobacco farmer and has
created a sedimentation run off issue anytime there is a heavy rain. Brunswick
County departments and agencies (Planning and Zoning, DWQ), federal agencies (USCOE,
USDA) and Dominion Power have been contacted and investigated the issue. It
would appear that since the offending party is a farm, many of the agencies
have no leverage over agriculture issues. The problem will continue to be
WEEDS: Vernon Wilson- LGWCC held its meeting on November 12, 2008. In summary,
the 2009 herbicide applicators RFP was approved and will be sent to potential
applicators. Dr. Rob Richardson presented a brief summary on 2007 public
treatment efficacy; based on the 2007 survey the treatments were highly
successful in specific surveyed areas. The 2008 surveys are currently being
accomplished and results will be presented in a future meeting. SePro
presented a possible proposal aimed at accomplishing a ‘turn key’ solution by
providing yearly pretreatment site assessments, specific treatment
prescriptions based on the assessments, accomplish the treatments with
applicators that they would contract with verses LGWCC, coordinate the timing
of the treatments and monitor results (via ReMetrix a subsidiary of SePro), in
addition to being a single point of contact and communication via reports to
LGWCC and media. The LGWCC agreed to prepare an RFP for a competitive
bid from SePro and any other organizations who wish to bid a turnkey approach
to lake management. Side note is that SePro does have lake management
contracts nationwide currently. The closest being with Lake Tillery and Tar
River in NC. The vote was that an RFP would be
prepared for a competitive bid request from SePro and other who wish to bid a
turnkey approach.
LEM’s: Bruce Johnson reported that approximately. 80% of the lake wide manual
survey has been completed. There is still approximately 50 miles of shore line
at the West end of the lake to be surveyed. Bruce also attended a meeting at
Lake Wheeler in NC, the North Carolina Lake Management Society). The agenda of
the meeting and workshop was to address storm runoff issues.
LGAlert: Bill Lindenmuth and Vernon Wilson attended the annual ‘Emergency Action
Plan’ training held by Dominion Power. The training was to ensure that all
pertinent contact information in the contact flow charts were correct and all
interested parties were aware and knowledgeable of possible problems with
Roanoke Rapids and Lake Gaston Dam failures. Using different scenarios
associated with dam emergencies.
Bill Lindenmuth will draft a
letter of support as requested by Dr. Rob Richardson in an effort to gain a
grant for future aquatic weed studies and work.
The committee spent a good
deal of time working on the retreat Goal VI: Effectively Engage with
Community Partners. We will continue our efforts at the December
The Environment Committee Meeting was cancelled for Oct.
22, 2008 because …
Bill Lindenmuth and I attended a Dominion Power
'Emergency Action Plan' (EAP) for Roanoke Rapids and Lake Gaston Dams' annual
training session. The annual training session was held at the Roanoke Rapids
Hydro Station office in Roanoke Rapids. Training session was conducted to
ensure contact flow charts were correct and updated, go over the purpose of
the plan, Dam's project descriptions, General Responsibilities Under the EAP,
Preparedness and Inundation Maps for down stream areas. As part of the EAP,
there will be a drill sometime within the next month with the purpose of
testing the contact flow chart accuracy and follow on actions by all parties
involved in the EAP.
Vernon Wilson, Environment Chair, Director Mecklenburg
The committee meeting on Wednesday September 17, 2008 was
attended by Bill Bryant, Bruce Johnson, George Kimble, Jack Saunders, Jim
Smalfelt, Pete Deschenes, Ralph Domach and Wally Sako.
SEDIMENTATION & EROSION: George Kimble reported
that North Carolina DWQ was filing an injunction against Lake Gaston Motor
Cross to resolve outstanding sedimentation issues. The DWQ will also be making
another onsite visit in the near future.
WEEDS: Vernon Wilson- reported that the 2008
planned treatment was completed. Notes from home owners asking for
advice about further treatment in 2008 were answered with contacts for private
treatment company’s and advice that the hydrilla will be dying off for year
and they should probably save their money by not getting private treatment in
the remainder of 2008.
LEM’s: Bruce Johnson gave an update on what areas
he personally has completed weed surveys. He also discussed the USACOE plans
for introduction of new pens, cages and native plants. This has since been
reschedule spring 2009 due to Hurricane Ike delaying critical material
required to build the cages and pens that the new native plants were to be
The Lake Gaston survey can be started at any time in
September / October. The additional hand held computers have been programmed
by Patrick Dempsey and given to Bruce. Bruce has purchased the additional
rakes and ropes.
The committee
meeting on Wednesday August 20, 2008 was attended by Bill Lindenmuth, Bruce
Johnson, Jim Smalfelt, Patrick Dempsey, Ralph Domach, Ron George, Wally Sako
and Moira Underwood.
Lindenmuth and I attended the Virginia Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee
on July 29, 2008. The majority of the meeting was spent listening to 3
presentations on issues with the Smith Mountain Lake (SML), relicensing permit
with AEP, the power company that owns SML. There are still issues with the
lake release rates and amounts from the current 650 CFS to a possible 375CFS
rule. SML would like to maintain their lake level within 1.5 feet of full
pool, for safety, financial and environmental reasons. At issue is the effect
on the Staunton River which is downstream of the lake. Lower release rates and
levels would drastically affect the use of the river as a viable resource for
recreation, scenic reasons (First River in state of VA to be named a Scenic
River), financial reasons and environmental reasons (fish habitat, spawning,
etc,). Since this has been an ongoing discussion and disagreement the
Virginia Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee has agreed to host/mediate
meeting to dialogue and resolve the issues over the next couple months in
Charlotte County.
A letter has been
written to the USCOE to stop any action on the Inter Basin Transfer of water
out of the Roanoke River Basin or allow the granting of any water allocation
from Kerr Lake to the Raleigh, Durham and Chaple Hill areas. This issue will
be discussed in the very near future in the Virginia General Assembly.
Bill joined the
weekly teleconference call with the USACOE, the drought is still of major
concern in North Carolina. Kerr Lake is currently at 293 feet, 6 feet below
normal guide curve. Lake Gaston has been at 199.5 for the last few weeks and
there is no change in sight for the near future. North Carolina will be
holding their first committee meeting to discuss North Carolina’s river
basins, the current drought and interbasin water transfer on August 27, 2008.
This is the sister committee as our Virginia Roanoke River Basin Advisory
I attended the LGWCC meeting on July 31, 2008. I asked what the 2008 contract
stated on posting notices on boat houses prior to treatment in coves and
creeks. The Contract states, in summary, that posting will be in accordance to
product labels. In some cases posting will only happen in the immediate areas
of treatments and not necessarily the entire cove or creek. Sea Pro, the
manufacture of the herbicide product stated that amount and used, dilution
rate, etc.; the treatments really do not pose a problem to home owners. The
only reason they feel the need to post notices is for residents utilizing the
lake for irrigation purposes, and only then for newly planted plants and
lawns. Established lawns and plants should not be affected.
One of the
presentations in the LGWCC meeting was in reference to the research on
Hydrilla Fly and how they could be used to treat Lake Gaston‘s hydrilla. Lake
Gaston is infested with the easiest variety of hydrilla to control, Monoeciuos
Hydrilla, meaning it dies back every year during the winter months, which
could affect the effectiveness of using the Hydrilla Fly at the lake for plant
control. We listened to a very interesting presentation on recent dye
tests conducted this summer by Michael D. Netherland, assisted by Dr. Rob
Richardson. They released dye into Hubquarter and Lyons Creek to measure the
speed at which the dye was distributed vertically and moved within the creeks
/ coves. These tests were conducted to better understand the effectiveness of
herbicide treatments on Lake Gaston. The test showed that in Lake Gaston, we
have a great deal of water movement, primarily due to power generation at both
Kerr Lake and Lake Gaston. In fact within 20 hours almost all the dye released
in these creeks were immeasurable. But, some good news is that due to thermal
gradients the vertical mixing was minimal and could be very effective for the
Floridon herbicide we are currently utilizing for our public funded treatment.
LEM’s training took place on August 1, 2008. With 14 people attending the
training on aquatic weed identification and education on conducting the 2008
lake wide survey. We want to accomplish the weed survey on the entire
lake in 2008, so any and all volunteers will be very much appreciated. Contact
Bruce Johnson, Jack Saunders or Vernon Wilson if you’re interested in taking
part in this very important and meaningful survey.
The Lake Gaston
survey can be started at any time in September. The additional hand held
computers have been programmed by Patrick Dempsey and given to Bruce. Bruce
has purchased the additional rakes and ropes.
The USACOE was to
start the introduction of new native plants in August; this has been postponed
until mid September.