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10/6 LGA brings US & NC House candidates to Lake Gaston - DETAILS




Environment Minutes
LEM Checklist




The LGAlert Program


The LGA "Alert" program was developed by our Environment Committee as a means to notify our members (and non-members) whenever Dominion Resources anticipates, or without much warning, must adjust Lake Gaston's water level to an abnormally high or low water level.  These occasional fluctuations are often caused by Mother Nature (flooding, drought, hurricane's etc.) or by an operational necessity, and Dominion makes every attempt to notify us in advance.


The LGAlert is "activated" throughout the year when the LGA President or Chair of the Environment Committee deems the situation warrants it.  To some, the higher or lower water level may have no significant impact, but to others it may mean having to bring a boat out of the water, or adjusting the lines for a boat tied in a slip in order to protect the dock or the boat.  To others, it may mean keeping a closer watch on young children swimming, or if the water is unusually low, to boaters and skiers who may not be aware of submerged stumps that are not usually a concern.


For the non-resident property owners, it may mean placing a call to a neighbor to keep a watchful eye. The LGAlert functions in two ways. 


First, the "telephone tree" is activated, and all of the 25 volunteer directors of the LGA immediately call the contacts on their assigned list of subdivisions.  The subdivision contact then calls the homeowners within their subdivision.  If your subdivision has not been receiving these calls, you may want to locate a volunteer and submit that name & phone # to our Environment Chair:  [email protected]


Simultaneously, the LGA webmaster sends an email message to all LGA members who have provided us with email addresses.  This is especially helpful to non-resident home owners.  You can check the mailing label of your last newsletter to see if the LGA has your correct email address.  If not, you can provide that information by submitting the on-line Change of Address form.


Important Note about emails:  Because of potential viruses and spam mail, many email servers require that you identify those addresses from which you you will accept e-mail messages.  Please be sure your server will accept mail from us.


These are the most common addresses the LGA will use on occasion to communicate with you (via bulk emails to all our members):  

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]