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10/6 LGA brings US & NC House candidates to Lake Gaston - DETAILS




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LGA Activities 

To give you a better understanding of the types of activities for which the LGA becomes involved, we list current and past categories, activities and accomplishments.




*       LGA Directors have been and are currently involved in numerous county & state boards and commissions


*       Host(ed) candidate forums at the county & state level for citizens education


*       Sponsored 5-county meeting and brought the Economic Development Officials together to discuss the future of lake area development & county plans (2004)


*       County government meetings attended regularly by LGA Director representatives




*       Created and organized the LGA Weed Monitors Group to support the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council in determining the growth patterns of aquatic weeds, primarily Hydrilla, and effectiveness of weed control treatments.


*       Instrumental in establishing and participating on the Lake Gaston Stakeholders Board.  LGA Directors serve on the 2006 Board of Directors for the Stakeholders’ Board.




*       Created the LGAlert Program which is a system of prompt communication with subdivisions, members and the public in the event of threatening weather conditions and lake water levels that could affect public safety on the water and possible damage to boats, and boat slips.


*       In 1997 the five LGA Directors from Brunswick County called a town meeting resulting in the Brunswick County Lake Gaston Water Safety Committee.


*       Instrumental in securing the Warren County Sheriff's Substation at the LG Chamber


*       Worked against boat racing on Lake Gaston.


*       Initiated the program to fund and install the mile marker buoys on the Lake.


*       2004-5. Worked with Al Hartley to create the Lake Gaston Neighborhood Watch program.


*       1998. Influential in the counties decision to implement E-911 phone number and addresses around the Lake.


*       Member of both of the Emergency Preparedness Team / Network for both Kerr Dam & Lake Gaston Dam




*       Served as the voice of property owners of Lake Gaston on the Federal Energy Regulatory Relicensing Committee that worked through the eight-year process of renewing Dominion’s license to operate the lake and dams in Roanoke Rapids and Gaston. 

o        Under FERC’s new Operating License, the LGA successfully negotiated “grandfather” rights for adjoining property owners to maintain

§         pre-existing grass lawns on Dominion’s property

§         non-conforming boathouses and bulkheads

o        After application approval, the ability to landscape and

§         clear out underbrush on Dominion’s property

§         cut limbs to create an open “window” through the trees from 2’ to 20’ above  ground.




*       Helped prevent the 2001 attempt by Kinder-Morgan for an inter-basin water transfer out of Lake Gaston.


*       Held influential position on the US Army Corps Task Force on Water Management for Lake Gaston, and prevented the lowering of Lake Gaston’s water level during the major drought of 2002.


*       Through LGA assertion and action in 2004-5, Dominion and SEPA improved their communications and operating procedures to better maintain a more constant water level in Lake Gaston.




*       Represented lakefront property owners to the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) in the opposition of the 2003 Flood Zone remapping affecting parts of the lake.  As a result, FEMA gave attention to lake property owners by expediting the map amendment (LOMA) process.




*       The LGA has sponsored or co-sponsored many seminars and forums to keep lake property owners aware of current issues and events.  Among those are: 

o        2003 ? Fishing Forum (co sponsored with Striper Club)

o        Spring 2001.  Tax Seminar – invited county representatives from all five lake counties to speak to public on local tax issues.

o        candidate forums at the county & state level

o        2005 Hosted public forum on home fire dangers and wildfire threats.


*       LGA education initiative...bring volunteers in touch with local school needs


*       July 2003 – Instrumental in the erection of the Henderson NOAA weather broadcasting tower to improve coverage on the lake for the emergency weather broadcasts.


*       Resolved to support animal protection to government in all 5 counties.


*       The efforts of the LGA resulted in the erection of a tower in Littleton to improve cell phone coverage in the area.


*       Created and maintains an informative website to enhance lake-wide communications.


*       Established a member email list to communicate with members on time-sensitive weather conditions, events and issues.