Executive Director
Activities / Monthly Reports
Executive Director’s
Report: May 2010
May/June 2010 Bulletin: Produced the Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, 18 pages. Three businesses were deleted because they had still not renewed as of press time. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing. Also produced 589 US mailing labels for hardcopy Bulletins. Bulletin was mailed the week of May 24 to arrive before holiday weekend & alert members to no first Wednesday meeting because of annual mtg on the 12th.
Septic System Ordinance Survey: Sent LGA members an email survey to answer yes or no to having septic system pumped every 5 years. Managed email responses into yes and no folders, as well as a ‘need answers before I can vote’ folder.
Annual meeting: Worked with Doug on the preliminaries for getting the annual meeting together.
Incorrectly entered email addresses when new members joined the LGA: I received a system generated list of 28 members whose email addresses were being rejected. On investigation, most were business as usual where members had changed their email address and had not let us know – finding that out entailed calls to local members to ascertain new email address, and mailing an April/May Bulletin to out of state members with a note about their email being rejected and would they please advise of new one. In the meantime, incorrect email address was deleted from membership record so they would receive June/July Bulletin by USmail. We had six email addresses that had been incorrectly entered from application forms – five new members & one renewal. At the May Membership mtg this situation was brought to the committee’s attention & it was decided that the five new members, the earliest being October 2009 thru February 2010, would have their membership extended thru December 2011 as they had received nothing from us after initial welcome. The renewal was getting Bulletins via USmail. To be resolved, is how we missed earlier notification of failed email addresses, I will pursue.
US Army Corp of Engineers revegetation project: I joined Bruce Johnson, LEMs, and two reporters, observe the USACOE on May 25 when they checked on their enclosures & exclosures of revegetation plants.
Battle of the BBQ: I helped man the booth at the May 29 Lake Gaston Chamber’s annual BBQ competition.
Cell Phone coverage survey: received information that US Cellular received a permit from the Halifax County Board of Adjustments to put a tower at Fleming Dairy Farm. Pursued addition information for article in June/July Bulletin
County Budgets for FY 2010-2011: Pursued Budget schedules for Mecklenburg & Northampton counties. At press time for Bulletin, Mecklenburg’s was still unavailable, whereas we did have information for Northampton to share.
2010 Renewals: One renewal in May
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: Three new members during May from tax listing solicitation.
2010 Business Member drive: No new businesses in May.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: Directions for 5/10 LGWCC; 5/11 Septic System Survey; 5/11 Further clarification of boating laws; 5/28 mtg reminder no 6/2 monthly mtg.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick:
5/11 Planning agenda; Attendee report 5/11 Planning Commission mtg;
5/10 Supervisors mtg agenda.
Northampton: Attendee report of 5/3 Commissioners mtg; 5/12 reschedule Budget mtg notice; 5/17 NH Commissioners agenda; 5/12 attendee report; 5/17 attendee report; 6/2 Commissioners agenda. Warren: 5/3 Commissioners agenda; 5/3 attendee report; 5/12 Noise Ordinance mtg notice; 5/13 special Commissioners mtg notice; 5/13 attendee report; 5/27 budget agenda; 6/2 Noise Ordinance mtg; June budget mtgs schedule.
New email listings for total membership and each county were produced from 4/30/10 database & new members and renewals were manually added throughout May in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising June 12 annual meeting was submitted for June 28 area newspapers & radios.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to four lake papers for May 26 editions.
Meetings attended: Halifax candidate forum 4/3; LGA monthly meeting on 4/7; Membership 4/9; Warren candidate forum 4/17; Northampton candidate forum 4/24; Officers 4/28; Marketing 4/28.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for April
70.75 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: April 2010
2010 Candidate Forums: Confirmation letters of attendance and directions were sent to the Warren & Northampton candidates. Prepared tents and badges for all three forums and box of items needed for the forums, such as 0 & 1 min flags for timekeeper, sign in sheets, 3 x 5 cards, pencils, pens, LGA brochures & Bulletins, and directors’ badges. Attended all three and helped set up and clear up. Sent in PSAs advertising the Warren 17th & Northampton 24th Forums.
Code Red: Ascertained that Halifax & Mecklenburg counties have a way for citizens to signup for email notification of emergencies within their counties even though they do not have Code Red or Reverse 911.
Cell Phone coverage survey:
No further work on cell phone during April.
County Budgets for FY 2010-2011: Budget schedules were obtained and sent to our members for Warren, Brunswick and Halifax Counties. Outstanding are Mecklenburg & Northampton counties who have not yet published their schedules. In the case of Northampton it looks like a day at a time and our members will be emailed as soon as we know.
2010 Renewals: Four renewals.
Resuming member services: As renewals were received, I resumed member services by sending copies of the February/March 2010 Bulletin via their delivery preference i.e. email or USmail. Those with email were added back to the member and county email distribution lists. Copies of the emails they had missed in April were sent individually to them.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: Six new members during April but not all attributed to tax listing solicitation.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in 2 new business members in April and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting. Deleted businesses that had not renewed for 2010 from our business list.
Emailed all members: Reminder of 4/7 monthly mtg; notice of 5/10 LGWCC mtg; 5/5 monthly mtg notice.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 4/13 Planning Commission mtg; Budget schedule.
Halifax: 4/3 forum reminder; 4/5 Commissioners mtg agenda; Proctors need for KIPP testing; 2010-2011 Budget mtg schedule; 5/3 Commissioners mtg agenda.
4/12 Supervisors mtg agenda.
Northampton: Proctors need for KIPP testing; Attendee report of 4/5 Commissioners mtg; 4/19 NH Commissioners agenda; 4/24 Forum reminder; 5/3 Commissioners agenda.
Warren: 4/5 Commissioners agenda; Budget mtg schedule; Proctors need for KIPP testing; 4/5 attendee report; 4/17 Forum reminder; 4/21 Commissioners worksession agenda.
New email listings for total membership and each county were produced from 3/31/10 database & new members and renewals were manually added throughout April in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising May 5 monthly meeting was submitted for April 28 area newspapers & radios
PSAs advertising April 17 & 24 Warren & Northampton candidate Forums sent to newspapers & radios
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to four lake papers for April 28 editions.
Meetings attended: Halifax candidate forum 4/3; LGA monthly meeting on 4/7; Membership 4/9; Warren candidate forum 4/17; Northampton candidate forum 4/24; Officers 4/28; Marketing 4/28.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for April 64.50 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: March 2010
2010 Candidate Forums: Obtained telephone numbers for the candidates from the county BoEs and made lists of candidates by counties that were to be invited to the three forums. GR delegated telephone calls to LGA directors. Directors told me who said ‘yes’, I followed up with letters to each of the candidates confirming their attendance, format of Forum and other candidates attending. Halifax and Warren letters were mailed in March. I booked the April 3 venue and liaised with the Littleton UMC Fellowship Hall coordinator. Sent press releases initially one covering all three forums, and then specifically for the April 3 Halifax forum.
April/May Bulletin: Produced the April/May 2010 Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, increased to 18 pages. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing. Also produced 579 US mailing labels for hardcopy Bulletins. Bulletin was produced a week earlier than usual to give mailed copies to reach members with details of the Halifax Forum on April 3.
Cell Phone coverage survey: We had another four responses in March. Reported in the April/May Bulletin that 78 responses had been received and initial feedback would be reported at the April 7 LGA monthly meeting.
County Budgets for FY 2010-2011: We had another four responses in March. Reported in the April/May Bulletin that 78 responses had been received and initial feedback would be reported at the April 7 LGA monthly meeting.
Telephone lists: Obtained feedback from the directors as to any members that they found to be deceased, moved from lake, or phone numbers were disconnected. This information was added to the respective member’s database record and the membership type of ‘remove.’ This action prevents further solicitation, but the database record still exists.
2010 Renewals: We received 18 renewals in March and member services were restored.
Resuming member services: In March we had four new members, none were attributed via the tax listing. Welcome packages were sent.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: Marketing brought in 4 new business members in March and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in 4 new business members in March and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: Reminder of 3/3 monthly mtg; notice of three political forums for April; April/May Bulletin published to website.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 3/9 Planning Commission mtg; Attendee report of 3/17 Supervisor’s mtg.
3/8 Supervisors mtg agenda.
Northampton: Attendee report of 3/1 Commissioners mtg; Attendee report 3/15 Commissioners mtg; 3/31 notice of NH Commissioners Town Mtg; 4/5 NH Commissioners agenda.
Warren: 3/1 attendee report; 3/18 Attendee report of Commissioners mtg with Board of Education; 4/5 Warren Co. Commissioners agenda.
New email listings for total membership and each county were produced from 2/26 & 3/18 database & new members and renewals were manually added throughout March in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising April 7 monthly meeting was submitted for Marach 31 area newspapers & radios.
PSA advertising April 3,17&24 Halifax, Warren & Northampton candidate Forums
PSA advertising April 3 Halifax Candidate forum
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to four lake papers for March 31 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 3/3; Membership 3/12; Government Relations 3/15 Marketing 3/25; LUMC room setup 3/30; Officers 3/31.
Executive director is a
paid part-time position. Total hours for February 91.25hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: February 2010
2010 Candidate Forums: Monitored filings that started February 8 and produced an initial spreadsheet showing the seats up for election and the candidates who had filed early, and emailed spreadsheet to the Government Relations Committee, and sent updates as new filings occurred.
Cell Phone coverage survey: The majority of responses came in via email and four came in by USmail. We received 25 ‘Yes’ & 49 ‘No’ responses. The data has been entered into a spreadsheet & any comments recorded, and the analysis should be completed during March.
County Budgets for FY 2010-2011: Prepared letters to Northampton & Halifax Boards of Commissioners and Brunswick and Mecklenburg Boards of Supervisors and copying their respective County Administrators/Managers, and Clerks to the Boards. These letters were tailored to each county’s needs by the LGA directors for those counties and expressed our thoughts on the budget needs on our member’s behalf. An LGA director would read the letter at a county meeting in the public comments and hand each Commissioner/Supervisor a copy at that time. (Warren was prepared and read in January, Northampton in February, Halifax, Brunswick & Mecklenburg will be read in March).
Telephone lists: County lists were produced of members who had not renewed for 2010. The lists were delegated to an LGA director for each county who in turn shared the calls with the LGA directors in that county. Throughout the month of February the members who had not renewed were contacted by telephone and politely asked if they had mislaid the renewal notice, or a reason why they chose not to renew. In many cases members were not at home and messages were left. Responses for not renewing included, forgot but will renew, moved away from lake, spouse deceased, or would not renew because of a difference of opinion with the LGA. Results of the telephone calls will be summarized/concluded by the end of March. As renewals were received I notified the directors via email of those members by county.
2010 Renewals: 38 renewals were received (35 of which arrived after telephone lists were issued) during February. I produced three thank you letters for Doug’s signature to Business Members who had renewed for 2010 and a new certificate for their plaques. Also one thank you for a household who had renewed at a supporting level.
Resuming member services: As renewals were received, I resumed member services by sending copies of the February/March 2010 Bulletin via their delivery preference i.e. email or USmail. Those with email were added back to the member and county email distribution lists. Copies of the emails they had missed in February were sent individually to them.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: In February we had two new members, one of which was attributed via the tax listing. Welcome packages were sent.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in 2 new business members in February and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: 2/10 online boating course links; 2/18 water levels; 3/3 monthly speaker mtg details.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 2/9 Planning Commission mtg; Attendee report of 2/17 Supervisor’s mtg; 3/9 PH notice.
Halifax: 2/16 Commissioners mtg agenda; 3/1 Commissioners agenda.
Mecklenburg: 2/8 Supervisors mtg agenda; attendee report of 2/8 mtg.
Northampton: 2/15 Commissioners mtg agenda; Attendee report of 2/15 Commissioners mtg; 2/1 Commissioners agenda; 1/26 attendee report of reconvened 1/20 mtg; 3/1 Commissioners mtg agenda.
Warren: 2/9 Special mtg notice; 2/17 mtg cancellation; 2/15 attendee report; 3/1 Commissioners agenda.
New email listings for total membership and each county were produced from 1/31 database & new members and renewals were manually added throughout February in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising March 3 monthly meeting was submitted for February 24 area newspapers & radios.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to four lake papers for February 24 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 2/3; Membership 2/12; Officers 2/24.
Executive director is a
paid part-time position. Total hours for February 75hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: January 2010
2010 Renewals: Reminders went out 1/4/10 and renewal payments arrived throughout January and were processed by month end. I produced and sent 6 thank you letters for Doug’s signature to Business Members who had renewed for 2010 along with a 6 new 2010 Business membership certificates for their plaques. Produced 11 thank yous for households who had renewed at a supporting level or moved to Lifetime.
2009 services suspended: Members who had not renewed for 2010 by January 31 were dropped from services commencing February 1. They did not get a February/March Bulletin by USmail or email notification, and informational emails would cease from that date until renewals were received. 217 households & businesses were outstanding.
Made new master of Membership Database: Changed queries in database to drop 2009 members and made new CD to give to B&B to use as master.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: New members continued arriving in January and 10 welcome letters were sent.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in five new business members in January and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
January 21, 2010 Five-County Forum: Received Power Point presentations from Doug Hughes, Jack Saunders & Ken Krulik (Forum presenters) onto my computer. Made meeting packages for county officials that contained agenda, copies of presentations, badge & tent. Set up computer & projector on the day.
County Budgets for FY 2010-2011: Contacted all five counties to ascertain if budget schedule had been published. Typed up Warren County budget request for Doug’s signature, made copies for each Commissioner, County Manager, & Clerk to the Board and delivered to Ron Skow for 1/26 Warren County budget goal setting meeting.
Produced the February/March 2010 Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, increased to 16 pages. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing. Also produced 563 US mailing labels for hardcopy Bulletins
2010 Candidate Forums: Started the process of contacting each county’s Board of Election offices to ascertain candidates up for election.
Cell Phone coverage survey: Started the ball rolling on the survey. Responses started arriving the last week of January after USmailed copies of Bulletin went out.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: 1/21 Five County mtg notice; 1/27 LGWCC mtg notice; February/March posted on website; 2/3 mthly mtg reminder.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 1/20 Supervisor’s mtg. Halifax: 1/19 Commissioners mtg agenda; 1/20 Planning agenda; 2/1 Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: 1/11 Supervisors mtg agenda; attendee report of 1/11 mtg. Northampton: 1/20 Commissioners mtg agenda; Attendee report of 1/20 Commissioners mtg; 2/1 Commissioners agenda; 1/26 attendee report of reconvened 1/20 mtg; 2/1 rescheduled to 2/3 Commissioners mtg; Northampton Co. inclement weather notice. Warren: 1/28 Seventh Senatorial mtg notice; notice of 1/26 Commissioners budget goal setting mtg; agenda for 1/26; notice of 2/1 Commissioners mtg rescheduled to 2/16.
New email listings for total membership and each county were produced from 12/25, 1/21 & 1/31 database & new members were added through January in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
Answered [email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising February 3 monthly meeting was submitted for January 20 & 27 area newspapers & radios.
PSA advertising January 21 Five County Forum submitted for January 13 & 20 area newspapers & radios.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to four lake papers for January 27 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 1/6; Membership 1/8; Government Relations 1/18; 1/21 Five County Forum; Officers 1/27.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for
January 99 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: December 2009
2010 Renewals: checks & on-line credit card payments continued arriving during December. They were logged and given to B&B in batches for data entry & deposit of checks. Wrote 22 thank you letters to supporting level members for Doug’s signature to members either upgrading to supporting, continuing their supporting level, or upgrading to Lifetime. All payments received by 12/22/09 were processed and the database status as of 12/23/09 would be used for producing the reminder letters.
2010 Renewal Reminder mailing: I ran Reminder letter for outstanding dues against database dated 12/23/09 and produced 346 reminder letters & 23 Business reminder letters and mailing labels that were emailed to C-Line for printing and mailing week beginning 1/4/2010.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: New members continued arriving in December and 11 welcome letters were sent.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in two new business members in December and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
Produced and sent 17 thank you letters for Doug’s signature to Business Members who had renewed for 2010 along with a 17 new 2010 Business membership certificates for their plaques.
January 21, 2010 Five-County Forum: Put invitation letter (produced by Government Relations Committee) on letterhead, added invitee list (chairs of Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Northampton & Warren Co Commissioners & Supervisors & their County Administrators & Managers) and produced 10 individual letters for Doug’s signature and sent them by US mail together with an agenda. A separate invitation was sent the Warren Co. Mgr requesting that Ken Krulik, WC Plng Director give a presentation on the Warren Co. Citizen’s Advisory Council.>
John 3:16 toy drive & wrapping: Assisted the Marketing Committee with their toy drive for John 3:16 which entailed liaising with John 3:16, helping with the December 2 toy collection at our monthly mtg and delivering those toys to John 3:16 that day; and I volunteered with the Marketing Committee contingent to wrap presents at John 3:16 on 12/14 & 16.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: December/January Bulletin posted on website; Water level advisory #5 on 12/3; 1/6 mthly mtg reminder.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 12/16 Supervisor’s mtg; advance notice of January Co. meetings. Halifax: 12/7 & 1/4 Commissioners mtg agendas. Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: 12/14 Supervisors mtg agenda. Northampton: 12/7 Commissioners mtg agenda; Attendee report of 12/7 Commissioners mtg; 1/4 Commissioners agenda. Warren: 12/7 Commissioners mtg agenda; Attendee report of 12/7 mtg; 12/9 Commissioners mtg agenda; Attendee report of 12/9 mtg; 1/4 Commissioners mtg agenda.
New email listings for total membership and each county were produced from 11/25 database & new members were added through December in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
Answered [email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising January 6 monthly meeting was submitted for December 23 & 30 area newspapers & radios.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for December 30 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 12/2; Membership 12/11; Officers 12/30.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for December 74.75 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: November 2009
Sent out four non-emergency water level advisories to our members giving them the status of the water level at that time – information came from the Gaston Dam Operator.
2010 renewals: checks & on-line credit card payments continued arriving during November. They were logged and given to B&B in batches for data entry & deposit of checks. Wrote 43 thank you letters to supporting level members for Doug’s signature to members either upgrading to supporting, continuing their supporting level, or upgrading to Lifetime.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: New members continued arriving in November and 10 welcome letters were sent.font>
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in six new business members in November and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
We received notification from West Winds HOA that they were not going to renew for 2010 as an HOA, so I produced and mailed 50 individual renewal notices to LGA members who lived in West Winds.
Produced the December/January 2010 Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, increased to 14 pages. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing. Also produced 647 US mailing labels for hardcopy Bulletins.
Researched source of Mercury press release on NC Dept of Health website to verify authenticity.
Attended Website re-design meeting with Doug and John on 11/30.
Updated business display board with 8 new business members.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: Water level advisories on 11/13,11/16,11/17&11/27; 12/2 mthly mtg reminder; 11/23 press release about Mercury in fish on Lake Gaston.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 11/12 Supervisor’s mtg.
Halifax: 11/17 Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: Attendee report of 11/2 Supervisors mtg. Northampton: Attendee report of 11/2 Commissioners mtg; Attendee report of 11/2 Commissioners mtg; 11/16 Commissioners agenda; Attendee report of 11/16 Commissioners mtg.
Warren: Attendee report of 11/2 mtg.
New email listings for total membership and each county will be produced from 11/16 database & new members were added through October in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising December 2 monthly meeting was submitted for Nov 18 & 25 area newspapers & radios.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for November 25 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 11/4; Marketing 11/19; Website design 11/30; Officers 11/25
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for November 87.50 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: October 2009
2010 Membership renewal letters: 1,016 personalized renewal notices, in addition 119 personalized Miss You Letters were sent to those not returning from 2008; 84 requests for verification of information for Lifetime members were printed & mailed by C-Line; statements were sent by me to four HOAs listing LGA members paid thru 2009 & requesting payment for 2010 dues; and personalized 2010 renewal notices went to seven members who had received complimentary 2009 membership from their Realtor.
2010 renewal checks & on-line credit card payments started arriving the middle of October. They were logged and given to B&B in batches for data entry & deposit of checks.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: New members continued arriving in October and 45 welcome letters were sent.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing brought in five new business members in October and plaques and welcome letters were prepared by me and signed by Doug Hughes.
Data Base data entry form: The website field was added to the form that also included the Business Membership types of Business $50, Business $100 and Business $250. A new database master was given to B&B. The Business types will allow businesses to show up in our monthly breakdown figures.
Attended Website re-design meeting with Doug and John with the new webmaster, Claudia Davis.
2009 Opinion Survey: Sent press release advising readers that opinion survey dead line was approaching, as well as note to our members. Entered paper copies of Opinion Survey into on-line survey on our website.
10/31 Chili Cook-off: Updated business board with 9 new business members for display at LGA booth & helped set up booth content.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: October/November Bulletin posted on website; 10/7 mthly mtg reminder; 10/23 survey deadline approaches; 11/4 mtg reminder.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report 10/21 Supervisor’s mtg. Halifax: 10/5 Commissioners agenda; 11/2 Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: 10/9 Supervisors agenda; 11/2 Supervisors agenda. Northampton: 10/5 Commissioners agenda; Attendee report of 10/5 Commissioners mtg; 10/19 Commissioners agenda; Attendee report of 10/19 Commissioners mtg; 11/2 Commissioners agenda. Warren: 10/5 Commissioners monthly mtg agenda; Attendee report of 10/5 mtg; 10/14 Commissioners Worksession; Attendee report of 10/14 mtg; 11/2 PH & Commissioners mtg agenda; 11/3 Planning agenda.
New email listings for total membership and each county will be produced from 9/28 database & new members were added through October in batches.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
Answered [email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
Submitted press release to remind readers that deadline was approaching for taking survey on 10/12.
PSA advertising November 4 monthly meeting was submitted for Oct 21 & 28 area newspapers & radios.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 10/7; Membership 10/9; Marketing 10/15; Website design 10/20; Officers 10/28.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for October 80.25 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: September 2009
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: New members continued arriving in September and by month end we had gained 100 new members which included 17 returning from earlier years. Welcome letters were sent to all.
2010 Business Member drive: Marketing team started their drive for new members in September and four new businesses were welcomed along with their membership plaques. Three were on board to make the October/November 2009 Bulletin.
2010 Business Member renewal letter: The Business Member renewal letter was finalized after the September Marketing Committee meeting, and 43 2009 Business Member renewal notices sent out in around the middle of October. In preparation for both the renewals and the membership drive, new membership types were added to the data base entry form for Business $50, Business $100 and Business $250 to reflect the businesses in the member breakdown query. Adding the website field to the data base entry form was not accomplished by month end.
2010 Membership renewal letters: Template Letters were finalized and are ready to be used at the beginning of October for: 2010 Membership Renewal notices (excluding the HOAs who are billed separately direct to their treasurers); those that had received a gift membership from their realtor; Miss You Letters for the 2008 members who didn’t renew; and Lifetime Information Verification (first time we have done this since introducing the Lifetime Membership, it will give us a chance to make sure we have their up-to-date information on file.
2009 Opinion Survey: 337 letters and labels were produced and emailed to C-Line to send to our members who do not have an email address. A press release was sent out to area newspapers & radios advertising the Survey and paper copies could be requested - we received two requests. Our members were emailed on September 16 that the Opinion Survey was available on our website. 49 paper surveys were returned by month end out of 339.
October/November 2009 Bulletin: Produced the October/November 2009 Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, 12 pages again. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing. Also produced US mailing labels.
Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival: Produced display boards for NC & VA Boating Laws and Watershed Protection.
Attended the celebration of the NC Boater Education law Pig Pickin’ at the Dominion Gaston Dam that was organized by the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council on September 30.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: 9/16 2009 LGA Opinion had been posted on website
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: 9/17 Brunswick Town Hall mtg re closing of Brunswick Prison; 9/16 Brunswick Co. Supervisor’s agenda; Attendee report of 9/16 Supervisors agenda; 10/9 Departure to Washington. Halifax: 9/8 Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: 9/14 Supervisors agenda; 9/17 Town Hall mtg. Northampton: 9/9 Commissioners agenda; Attendee report of 9/9 Commissioners mtg; 9/21 Commissioners agenda; 9/28 flu shots. Warren: 9/14 PHs & Commissioners monthly mtg agenda; Attendee report of 9/14 mtg; 9/28 PH on financing of Warren Co. New Tech; Attendee report of 9/28 PH.
New email listings for total membership and each county will be produced from 9/28 database.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
Answered [email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising October 7 monthly meeting was submitted for Sept 23 & 30 area newspapers & radios.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for October 7 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 9/2; Membership 9/11; 9/30 LGWSC Pig Pickin’.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for August 90.25 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: August 2009
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: Tax listings were finalized; printing instructions were given to C-Line to print 8,370 letters and envelopes on August 18. Label documents were produced for each county and emailed to C-Line from 8/19 thru 8/31. Brunswick County was the first to be mailed on 8/25, followed by Halifax and Mecklenburg. Northampton was to be mailed September 2 and Warren (the biggest 3,925) will be mailed over several days and should be completed before the second week of September.
On-line application problem was resolved with Telpage and tested with my 2010 online renewal before 2010 Membership drive mailing went out.
2010 Business Member drive: Copies of the finalized letter and application with Bulletins were given to Marketing ready for campaign to start September 1, along with examples of the Business Member membership certificate.
2010 Business Member renewal letter: Attended August Marketing meeting where contents of Marketing renewal letter was finalized. I will update letter so it is ready to go out with our October renewal mailing.
Working with Membership Committee to finalize 2010 renewal letters.
Have participated in input to 2009 Membership Survey, Doug is taking lead with survey and will see that it is put onto our website. I am responsible for getting a paper copy to the 338 members who do not have email. I’ll produce the mailing labels from the membership database, C-Line will print and mail them. I will be sending out a press release as the public (non-members) will be encouraged to participate on-line.
I made five copies of LGA’s grant to buy equipment to take part in the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality 2010 Citizen Water Quality Monitoring Program, and mailed the grant application (original + 4 copies) for the Lake Environment Committee on 8/20/09 to make the 8/31/09 deadline.
Joined the Marketing team at the Lake Gaston Golf Club for the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament and helped man LGA’s booth at the 5th tee.
Preparation work on materials for display use in the LGA booth at the 25th Annual Littleton-Lake Gaston Festival on September 5.
Went with Doug Hughes and John Cataldo to the Gasburg VFD plaque presentation, took photograph and sent photograph and information to the area newspapers.
Helped the Lake Environment Committee publicize their LEM training on 8/27/09.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members: 8/1 August/September Bulletin posted on website; 8/5 LGA mtg reminder; Moira’s July newspaper column; Moira’s August column; 9/2 speaker information.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick: Attendee report of 8/19 Supervisors agenda. Halifax: Mecklenburg: 8/10 Supervisors agenda. Northampton: Attendee report of 8/3 Commissioners mtg. Warren: 8/11 special mtg notice; 8/19 PHs & Commissioners work session agenda; Attendee report of 8/19 mtg; 9/3 7th Senatorial District Town Meeting notice; 9/14 notice of next Commissioners mtg; 9/1 Planning Board agenda.
New email listings for total membership and each county will be produced from 8/31 database.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other
committee chair hits on website;
and 12
admin ids.
PSA advertising Sept 2 monthly meeting was submitted for August 19. Replacement PSA submitted for August 26 area newspapers & radios because we lost speaker; another replacement issued for August 28 to dailies and radios with new speaker info.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for August 26 editions.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 8/5; Marketing 8/20; Officers meeting 8/26; Performance review 8/26; LEM training 8/27.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for August 74 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: July 2009
Annual changeover admin: Obtained bank signature card and had 2009-2010 officers sign; sent changes to webmaster for Board of Directors and Contact Us page. Checked that all website email addresses had been redirected to new president and new chairs. Am in process of updating Committee homepages to reflect changes in chairs and committee members. Updated director listings were done last month. Committee sign-ups almost completed.
Produced the August/September 2009 Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, 12 pages again. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing. Also produced 561 US mailing labels.
2010 Membership Drive via tax listings: Letter has been revised and is ready for printing. New members from last year’s drive are being deleted from the Tax Listings. Listing of new sales since last year’s tax listing was obtained from Warren County Tax Assessor’s office total of 379, after removing duplicates, 231 net. (will have to be checked for existing members, and merged with total listing and again checked for duplicates.)
2010 Business Member drive: I updated last year’s letter with date changes along with the business application to July’s Marketing Committee for review.
2010 Business Member renewal letter: Submitted our normal membership renewal letter to the Marketing Committee July meeting for adapting for the business member renewal letter.
At the end of the month a problem occurred on our website whereby when using online application form, user is asked for a userid and password. It happens whether it is an information only update or payment. We have never seen that before. Am working with Telpage to find out why and to get it taken off before 2010 Membership drive can go out.
Reconciled/processed FernCliff HOA check for 30 renewals.
Updated website with regular monthly updates, and continued working on existing material that needs updating/deleting.
Emailed all members:
Emailed members by county:
Brunswick: 7/15 Supervisors agenda. Halifax: 7/6 Commissioners agenda.
Mecklenburg: 7/13 Supervisors agenda. Northampton: 7/20 Commissioners agenda; 8/3 Commissioners agenda. Warren: 7/6 Commissioners agenda; 7/23 7th Senatorial District Town Meeting notice; 8/3 Commissioners agenda; 8/4 Planning Board Cancelled notice.
Produced new email listings for total membership and each county from 7/23 database update.
Liaised with B&B on
membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other
committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising August 5 monthly meeting was submitted for July 29 area newspapers & radios
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for July 29 editions
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 7/1; Membership meeting 7/10; Marketing 7/23; Officers meeting 7/29; 7/30 website discussion.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for July 84 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: June 2009
meeting 6/13: prepared plaques for outgoing directors and two for
recognizing work of LGA volunteers; coordinated Committee Chair annual
reports and produced handout; pulled data from database to produce
county sign-in sheets; purchased clock and engraving for outgoing
president; and copied agenda and committee chair handouts; Invited LGA
Business Members to participate in annual meeting by providing
information handouts on their business.
Watershed Forum 6/27:
suggested advertising campaign to P&D committee, produced press
release from provided information and sent to area newspapers/radios/LGA
membership; liaised with Littleton Community Center for meeting
booking/setup/payment; prepared and sent invitation letters to County
Managers/Administrators and Planning & Zoning Directors by US mail and
followed up with reminder emails. Sent Forum press release to Lake
Gaston, South Hill and Warren Chambers of Commerce; set-up membership
table and assisted presenter on the day.
Worked with Telpage to
resolve server problem with getting emails to
[email protected]. Had Telpage
established section for our Business Members on server.
County budgets: watched for
additional budget meeting notices during the final run up to 6/30,
notified LGA directors and county members.
2010 Membership Drive via
tax listings: initial layout of project; updated last year’s
solicitation letter and sent to Membership Committee for review;
contacted C-Line to establish scheduling conflicts; pulled new members
to delete from tax listing; contact Warren County Tax Assessor’s
office for 2009 new sales tax listing.
Updated: By-Law documents
with annual meeting approved changes; NC & VA LGA director listings;
deleted outgoing directors from Committee list and sent for review
2009-2010 committee sign-upss.
Reconciled/processed West
Winds HOA check for 46 renewals.
Updated website with regular
monthly updates, and am working on existing material that needs
Emailed all members: 6/9
annual mtg reminder; 6/18 Watershed Forum; 6/25 Watershed Forum
reminder; 7/1 monthly mtg.
Emailed members by county:
Brunswick: 5/20 attendee report of Supervisors mtg; 6/17
Supervisors agenda; 6/17 attendee report. Halifax: 6/29 Budget
Hearing agenda. Mecklenburg: 6/8 Supervisors agenda. Northampton: 6/29 cancelled notice; Call to action to influence
Northampton budget; 6/15 Commissioners agenda; 6/30 reconvened
Commissioners mtg & budget.Warren: 6/8 Budget Public Hearing
agenda; 6/18 cancellation notice of budget work session; 6/16 Warren
Co. Armory mtg; 6/8 & 6/9 attendee report; 6/23 joint mtg with
legislation notice; 6/22 attendee report of public hearings mtg; 6/23
joint meeting agenda; 6/23 attendee report.
Produced new email listings
for total membership and each county from May 21 database update.
Liaised with B&B on
membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other
committee chair hits on website;
and 12
admin ids.
PSAs advertising: June 13
Annual mtg; June 27 Watershed Forum; July 1 monthly meeting was
submitted to area newspapers & radios
Executive Director’s monthly
column submitted to five lake papers for June 24 editions
Meetings attended: LGA
monthly meeting on 6/3; Membership meeting 6/12; Annual mtg 6/13;
Marketing 6/18; P&D mtg 6/19; Officers meeting 6/24; Watershed Forum
Executive director is a
paid part-time position. Total hours for June 94 hrs.
Executive Director’s Report: May 2009
the June/July 2009 Bulletin with articles from the Committees and
officers, 12 pages again. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout,
printing & mailing. Also produced 566 US mailing labels. Email
notification that Bulletin had been posted on website went to 990
email addresses
Followed up with Northampton County
manager’s office to get published budget calendar – none available
yet, but instead they included budget work sessions in their May
monthly meetings. Notified members of that.
Reminded members as their county budget
work sessions were coming up.
Used LGAlert listing for identifying
subdivisions in Brunswick County to get the word out for Leslie
Sullivan, Brunswick Co. Administrator, about an information gathering
meeting on Tourist Homes Committee ordinance. Used email to send out
her letter of invitation. If I didn’t have an address for the LGAlert
contact, I used a member from that subdivision instead. Email
requested that Leslie’s letter reach the president of their
association. Meeting was scheduled for May 12, it was rescheduled. I
sent out a note May 12 was off and another with the new date of May
As a result of the announcement at the May
14 LGWCC mtg that Brunswick County weed funding had been withdrawn for
FY2009-2010 budget, helped John Cataldo get a letter out to our
Brunswick, Northampton and Mecklenburg County members urging them to
attend the May 20 Brunswick Co. budget Public Hearing to get the
funding back to $116,000. Note: rather than zero funding there was
already $67,860 allocated to weed control.
Sent 20th anniversary
celebration announcement and reminder for Marketing Committee and I
attended on May 16.
May was a busy month for sending emails to
members about monthly meetings, budget work sessions and public
Bouncing problem in April resolved by
extending time between tries to deliver an email. However, same time
period is used when unsubscribing email lists. Am using a work around
from Telpage, but is working out to be inconvenient and I will seek an
alternative solution in June.
Sent email to Halifax, Northampton and
Warren County members advising them that House Bill 39/Senate Bill 43
was to going before Judiciary III Committee for review, and they names
and emails of the committee members should they want to show their
Preparation for June 13 Annual meeting
Updating website
Continued to work with the Marketing
Committee’s Bill LaMonte and Sherman Merchant and sent letters and
applications to local businesses. 6 new Business Member applications
were processed in May which included preparing welcoming packages and
plaques - Sherman and myself delivered them. Business names were added
to website making 44 businesses
Emailed all members: 5/16 LGA’s 20th
anniversary BBQ; 5/14 LGWCC mtg notice; 5/14 LGWCC mtg agenda &
reminder; 5/16 20th anniversary reminder; June/July
Bulleting posted to website .
Emailed members by county: Brunswick:
5/12 Tourist Homes Committee mtg, mtg reschedule & new mtg date;
5/20/09 Budget Public Hearing re weed funding; Halifax:
Commissioners 5/4 mtg agenda; 5/18 Commissioners agenda; Support for
SB 43; 6/1 Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: 5/11 Supervisors
mtg agenda; 5/20 Budget Public Hearing notice; request to attend
Brunswick 5/20 Budget Public Hearing; Budget Public Hearing agenda.
Northampton: 5/4 Attendee report of Commissioners mtg; Attendee
report May 8 reconvened Commissioner mtg; 5/18 Commissioners agenda;
5/18 Corrected agenda; May 20 invite to attend Brunswick Co. Budget
Public Hearing; Support for SB 43. Warren: 5/20 joint mtg
agenda & then cancellation notice; 5/14 Budget work session agenda;
5/14 Attendee report; 5/27 Budget work session agenda; 6/8 Budget
Public Hearing notice; 6/1 Commissioners mtg agenda; 6/1 three public
hearing notice; 6/1 two of three PHs cancelled; Attendee report 5/27;
Support for SB 43 contact information; 6/9 Budget work session notice.
Produced new email listings for total
membership and each county from May 4 database update.
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits
on website; and 12
admin ids.
PSA advertising June 3 monthly meeting
was not submitted to area newspapers & radios
Executive Director’s monthly column
submitted to five lake papers for May 27 editions
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on
5/6; Membership meeting 5/6; Officers meeting 5/27; 5/16 20th
anniversary BBQ.
Executive director is a paid part-time
position. Total hours for May 81.50 hrs.
Executive Director’s Report: April 2009
Executive Director’s Report: March 2009
With help from Jack Saunders
I produced an email to send to North Carolina LGA members offering
them the opportunity to write to the Wildlife Resources Committee
members to give their input on House Bill 39 during its consideration
by that Committee. Sent follow-up email notifying them that it had
successfully come out of that committee, and was now progressing to
the Judiciary III Committee for review. Again, with Jack’s help I
included the necessary contact information for the JIII Committee for
members to contact them, if they so wished.
Worked with Marketing
Committee’s Bill LaMonte and Sherman Merchant and sent letters and
applications to local businesses. 13 new Business Member applications
were processed which included preparing welcoming packages and
plaques. Bill, Sherman and myself delivered most local business
welcome packages, and only three needed to be mailed.
Prepared county telephone
lists for the Membership Committee of those members who had not
renewed for 2009. As renewals came in during March, I contacted the
Committee with the names by county so they knew not to call those.
Produced the April/May 2009
Bulletin with articles from the Committees and officers, 12 pages this
time. Liaised with C-Line Graphics for layout, printing & mailing.
Also produced 606 US mailing labels. Email notification that Bulletin
had been posted on website went to 1063 email addresses
Sat with John Cataldo to
ascertain which LGA website pages needed to be updated. Have not made
as much progress as I would have liked in March. I have also been
receiving input from the Committee Chairs, and plan to make a major
effort during the first week of April.
Updated Director directory
and Committee list
Prepared a Director Handbook
for Ron Skow and attended his Director Orientation.
Sent new Business Member
page to webmaster with instructions to add Business Member “button” to
Home page.
Finalized Halifax & Warren
County LGAlert sheets with inputs from Directors and help from a LGA
volunteer. Printed all sheets for handing out at April 1 monthly
Attended Littleton VFD on
March 10 and took picture of presentation to them by LGA VP Doug
Hughes. Also in attendance were Halifax County Directors Fred Kneisel
and Quinton Qualls
All Committee minutes for
March were posted on website by month end.
Produced new email listings
for total membership and each county from March 2 database update.
Emailed all members: 3/11
LGWCC mtg agenda; monthly meeting reminder 4/1; April/May Bulletin on
Emailed members by county:
Brunswick: Attendee report of 3/18 Supervisor’s mtg. Halifax:
rescheduled Commissioners mtg 3/9; Support for HB 39; Update on HB39.
Mecklenburg: 3/9 Supervisors agenda. Northampton: Support for HB 39;
Update on HB39; 3/16 Commissioners agenda. Warren: 3/2 PH &
Commissioners agenda; reschedule to 3/6; 3/3 Planning agenda; 3/6
attendee report of Commissioners mtg; 3/12 Citizens Advisory Council
agenda; Support for HB 39; Update on HB39.
Liaised with B&B on
membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits
on website; and 12
admin ids.
PSA advertising April 1
monthly meeting was submitted to 3/18 and 3/25 area newspapers &
Littleton VFD photo and
cutline submitted to local newspapers for 3/18 editions
Executive Director’s monthly
column submitted to five lake papers for March 25 editions
Meetings attended: LGA
monthly meeting on 3/4; website mtg w/John C. 3/6; Membership mtg
3/13; Marketing mtg 3/19; new Director orientation 3/20; Officers
meeting 3/25.
Executive director is a paid part-time
position. Total hours for March 82.50 hrs.
Executive Director’s Report: February 2009
several inquiries from Warren County members about their Revaluation
Assessment Notices. Prepared info email about assessment process and
emailed to Warren members. Prepared a second info email bring their
attention to the 2/20/09 appeals filing deadline, what will happen
next in the process, and emailed Warren members.
Prepared press release for 2/11/09
Northampton County Board of Commissioners meeting at the Lake Gaston
Community Center where all citizens in the northern part of the county
could get a chance to meet the Commissioners & ask them questions.
Emailed press release to Northampton Co. members.
Sent Rental Survey to 1,003 of our members
with email addresses. There were 280 surveys returned and I worked
with Bill and Bunny LaMonte to count the responses. A second session
completed the count when John Cataldo joined us and results were
tallied. John compiled an analysis and the survey results were emailed
to our members.
working with Marketing Committee to increase the number of local
business members in the LGA. February update: sent 16 letters to local
business from the Marketing committee and am keeping Marketing
Committee informed of progress. Delivered Welcome letter and plaque to
Lake Gaston Flea Market.
Met with Patrick Dempsey (LGA Mecklenburg
director) to show him the LGA office regarding Goal V:
to Build
LGA's Internal Capacity through Technology and Organizational
Development. Explained my involvement with website, membership
database and communication process with our members.
Set up presentation of appreciation plaque
to Littleton VFD for March 10 at 7:30 p.m.
Produced county listings of those members
who had yet to renew for 2009 and gave them to David Duxbury
Membership Chair. Have update of members who have since renewed.
Listings will be used to call members.
Opened renewal checks; sent new welcome
letters which included 52 from Timbuctu; upgrade thank you letters for
John Cataldo’s signature; and handled queries.
Committee minutes as available were sent
to website for posting.
Produced new email listings for total
membership and each county from February 3 database update. Emailed
all members: 2/2 Rental Survey; 2/19 Rental Survey results.onthly
meeting reminder 2/4.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick:
Attendee report of 1/28 Supervisor’s mtg; Attendees report of 2/19
Planning Commission. Halifax: Public Notice 2/17 now 2/16; 2/16
Commissioner agenda; 3/2 Commissioners agenda. Mecklenburg: 2/9
Supervisors agenda. Northampton: 2/2 attendee report; 2/11 press
release; 2/2 attendee report; 2/10 Economic Dev. Mtg cancelled; 2/11
Planning Board location; 2/16 Commissioners agenda; 2/16 attendee
report; Flood insurance questions; more on flood ins. Questions; 3/2
Commissioners agenda. Warren: 2/2 attendee report; Warren Co.
Revaluation; 2/16 PH notice; another Warren Co. revaluation; 2/23
Economic Dev. Mtg notice; 3/2 PH notice; 3/2 Commissioners agenda.;
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits
on website; and 12
admin ids.
PSA advertising March 4 monthly meeting
was submitted to 2/18 and 2/15 area newspapers & radios
Executive Director’s monthly column
submitted to five lake papers for February 25 editions
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on
2/4; Membership mtg 2/13; Marketing mtg 2/19; Officers meeting 2/25.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total
hours for February 78.75 hrs.
Executive Director’s
Report: January 2009
Sent letters to Virginia
Senators and Delegates asking for support of HJR627
Sent letters to the
five counties expressing our position on Planned Unit Developments
requesting that there must be standards for development that incorporate
best management practices.
Sent letters to Chairman Wes
Seegars, Chairman and Commissioner Berkley C Skinner, III of NC Wildlife
Resource Commission asking their support of North Carolina
General Assembly Joint Select Committee on Mandatory Boater Education.
Sent email to our
Brunswick and Mecklenburg
members asking them to email Virginia House Del. Clark Hogan to support
the implementation of the Federal government
regulation that requires all children 13 and under to wear life
preservers when on a vessel when underway. North Carolina has
implemented the law.
Prepared letter to
the five County Managers/Administrators asking that the support the Lake
Gaston Weed Control Councils request for $116,000 for weed control in Lake
Prepared and sent
letter to the NC Wildlife Resource Commission supporting Lake Gaston
Weed Control Councils position that no grass carp should be hunted with
a bow except by special permit.
Worked with
Marketing Committee and C-Line Graphics to produce new LGA brochure
Am working with
Marketing Committee to increase the number of local business members in
the LGA. Sent 5 letters asking General Member businesses to consider
upgrading to a Business Member. Finalized letter to businesses and
Business Member application. Working with a list from the Marketing
Committee, am sending letters to businesses that are not members – eight
were sent in January; am keeping Marketing Committee informed of
February/March 2009 Bulletin which entailed sending out Bulletin
schedule to Chairs and Officers, collected input, editing and sending
copy to C-Line for layout and making 600 mailing labels for those
receiving Bulletin by US mail.
Produced 231 dues
reminder and mailing labels and emailed to printers
Drafted Goal III
that was assigned to me.
Requested a
retraction notice in the Littleton Observer to say that John Cataldo
did not say that Pit Stop had ethanol in their gas at our January 7
Took photos of the
two presentations at January 7’s monthly meeting – 1. Appreciation
plaque from LGA to Longbridge VFD and appreciation certificates from LGA
to Keith King, Jr., Bernard Thomas and Perfecto Casas for save driver
from burning van. Sent photos with cutlines to area newspapers
Opened renewal
checks and 5 upgrade thank you letters. Sent14 welcomes. Handled
Made binder of
LGAlert county sheets for Vernon Wilson, Environment Chair
Sent Halifax
Electric Membership Corp Roundup grant applications to Chairs.
Committee minutes
as available were sent to website for posting.
Produced new email
listings for total membership and each county from January 15 database
update, and again after January 22 CD to bring in new members from tax
listing and email changes from renewals.
Received annual
review from John Cataldo on January 8.
Emailed all
members: 1/15 LGWCC mtg notice & agenda; background info on water level;
1/29 Feb/Mar Bulletin posted on website; Monthly meeting reminder 2/4.
Emailed members by
county: Brunswick: Request for support of HJR627;
Attendee report of 1/17
Supervisor’s mtg.
Halifax: 1/20 Commissioner agenda; Mecklenburg: 1/12 Supervisors agenda; 1/12 attendee
report; Request for support of HJR627.
Northampton: 1/21 PH notice; 1/14 Planning
agenda; 1/21 Commissioners agenda; 1/21 attendee report; 2/2
Commissioners agenda. Warren:
1/28 Budget goals setting session agenda; 2/2 PH; 2/3 cancellation
notice for Planning Board; 2/2 Commissioners
Liaised with B&B on
membership database.
[email protected],
and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
Wrote press release
regarding LGAs presentations to rescue squads in the
Lake Gaston
area and sent to local newspapers
No PSA advertising
January 7 monthly meeting was submitted, but meeting advertised
in 1/28/09 column.
Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for January 28
Meetings attended:
LGA monthly meeting on 1/7; Membership mtg 1/9; Marketing mtg 1/15;
Officers meeting 1/28.
Executive director is a paid
part-time position. Total hours for January 94.75 hrs.
Executive Director’s Report:
December 2008
Opened renewal
checks, prepared 17 thank yous for John Cataldo’s signature for those
upgrading to supporting levels and Lifetimes. Handled queries.
Sent new welcomes
from tax listing solicitations. As the amount has slowed down, have done
them as they come in. Total of 25 new member welcomes sent
presentation of appreciation plaque to Longbridge Volunteer Fire
Department on December 11.
Worked with
Marketing Committee and finalized wording for letters to businesses one
for General Member businesses that had already renewed for 2009 asking
them to upgrade to Bronze - sent five letters under John Cataldo’s
signature to Crystal Dickens, Stonehouse Timber Lodge, South Shore
Realty, Patrick Lamm and Lakeland Pier & Boathouses – and informed
Sherman Merchant when that had been done (12/31/08). Plus finalized a
letter for soliciting new businesses.
Delivered Bronze
plaque and welcome letter to WatersView Restaurant. Delivered renewal
certificates & thank yous from John Cataldo to Carroll Mann Builders,
and Outdoor World.
Updated LGAlert
sheets and typed up a status of progress to complete all the calls.
With help from Jim Thornton, found out how to view
FERC projects online – will make it quicker to get information to
Government Relations Committee for review (rather than use the paper
copy that comes via
Sent website
committee home pages to chairs requesting changes.
Committee minutes as
available were sent to website for posting. Sent updated lists for
Bronze, Silver and Bronze businesses per December 19 CD to webmaster.
Produced new email
listings for total membership and each county from November’s database
update, and again after December 19 CD to bring in new members from tax
listing and email changes from renewals.
Emailed all members:
Monthly meeting reminder 1/7.
Emailed members by county:
12/17 Supervisor’s agenda; 12/17 attendee report.
1/5 Commissioner agenda;
12/8 Supervisors agenda.
12/10 Planning agenda; 1/5 Commissioners agenda.
2009 Planning Board & CAC schedule; 12/10 Public Hearing; 12/10
Commissioners Work Session agenda; 12/10 Public Hearing reminder & Work
Session Agenda; 12/1 attendee report; 12/15 Commissioners Special
Meeting notice; 1/5 Commissioners agenda; 1/6 Planning Board agenda; 1/8
Citizen Advisory Council agenda; 1/5 revised agenda; 1/6 Warren Co.
Armory agenda.
Liaised with B&B on
membership database.
[email protected], and monitored
other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
Wrote press release regarding LGAs presentations to
rescue squads in the
area and sent to local newspapers
No PSA advertising
January 7 monthly meeting was submitted, but
meeting advertised in December 31 column.
Executive Director’s
monthly column submitted to five lake papers for December 31 editions
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on 12/3;
Combined Membership & Marketing mtg 12/18; Officers meeting 12/19.
Executive director is a paid
part-time position. Total hours for November 70.50 hrs.
Executive Director’s Report: November 2008
renewal checks, prepared thank yous for John Cataldo’s signature for
those upgrading to supporting levels and Lifetimes. Handled queries.
Sent new
member letters. Also welcomes from tax listing solicitations, entails
extracting data from membership database, copying into Excel spread
sheet, separating the members (USmail & email), and mail merging data
from Excel spreadsheet into appropriate welcome letter (i.e.
communications via USmail or email). ____ sent in November.
December/January 2009 Bulletin which entailed sending out Bulletin
schedule to Chairs and Officers, collected input, editing and sending
copy to C-Line for layout and making 568 mailing labels for those
receiving Bulletin by US mail. Shorter turnaround this issue & Bulletin
was mailed before Thanksgiving.
Announcement and instructions for renewing by credit card on LGA’s
website were included in the December/January Bulletin
presentation of appreciation plaque to Ebony Volunteer Fire Department
on November 3.
sign for LGA’s entry in Chili Cook-off , and help man LGA’s booth on
November 22.
with Marketing Committee on wording for letter to businesses, and
revision of LGA’s brochure.
Committee minutes as available were sent to website for posting.
new email listings for total membership and each county from October’s
database update, and again mid-month to bring in new members from tax
all members: 11/12 LGWCC agenda; December/January 2009 Bulletin posted
on LGA website; monthly meeting reminder 12/3..
members by county: Brunswick: 10/15 Supervisor’s agenda; Halifax: 11/18
Commissioner agenda; Mecklenburg: Northampton: 11/17 Commissioners
agenda; 12/1 Commissioners agenda. Warren: 11/10 Planning Board; 11/13
Citizen Advisory Council agenda; 11/19 three public hearings notice;
11/19 three public hearings agenda; 12/1 Commissioner agenda.
with B&B on membership database.
[email protected],
and monitored other committee chair hits on website; and 12 admin ids.
No PSA advertising
December 3 monthly meeting was submitted – no speaker.
Executive Director’s monthly column submitted to five lake papers for
November 26 editions
Executive Director’s November monthly column was aired on 90.1 & 90.5 FM
12/2 at 8:55 a.m.
attended: LGA monthly meeting on 11/5; Membership 11/14; Marketing
11/20; Officers meeting 11/26.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for
November 96 hrs.
Key this month: Sending out welcome letters to new members responding
to tax listing solicitation letters from our second mailing to
Brunswick, Mecklenburg & Warren Counties – and a few from our first
mailing to Halifax & Northampton counties in June are still coming in.
Sending thank yous to LGA members who are upgrading to our supporting
levels for 2009 or Lifetime. Produced the December/January 2009
Bulletin which I couldn’t do without all those articles from our
Committee Chairs.
Executive Director’s
Report: October 2008
Mecklenburg 1,506 and Warren 3,930 tax
listing letters were mailed 10/10 & 10/22 respectively, 64 tax
listing responses were received during October from Brunswick,
Mecklenburg, Warren, Halifax and Northampton counties.
Nine new member welcomes were sent for
those received up to October 13; 62 received from the tax listing
response from October 14 thru 31st will be “batched” via
mail merge week of November 3rd.
954 renewal letters and labels were
generated from the 9/30/08 database status for members expiring
12/31/08 and emailed to C-Line Graphics for printing and mailing to
reach members by 11/01/08
Bill Lindenmuth set up LGA’s ability to
offer electronic membership payment on LGA’s website via credit card
or PayPall through PayPall. I worked with the Webmaster to have
join/renew application on LGA’s website show the option of credit
card payment. Also asked Webmaster to modify database data entry
payment history field to show electronic payment received in
addition to current cash/check Changes are being tested with real
renewals via credit card/PayPall to test entire process (receipt
thru data entry). Membership will be advised of on-line electronic
payment option in November.
Updated LGAlert changes from Directors
that I had received and sent the updated county call sheets to the
appropriate county directors.
I took vacation to England from 10/14
thru 10/27/08
Helped facilitate and scribe Retreat
follow-on work session on 10/31/08.
Committee minutes as available were
sent to website for posting.
Produced new email listings for total
membership and each county from September’s database update.
Emailed all members: Monthly meeting
reminder for 11/5.
Emailed members by county: Brunswick:
10/15 Supervisor’s agenda; Halifax: 10/6 Commissioner agenda;
Mecklenburg: 10/6 presentation by LGA to Lake Gaston VFD; 10/14
Supervisors agenda; 11/3 Supervisors agenda. Northampton: 10/6
Commissioners agenda; 11/3 Commissioners agenda; 11/10 Public
Hearing. Warren: 10/6 Commissioner agenda; Revenue Neutral link to
explanation; 10/6 notice of adoption of schedules etc.; 10/15 notice
of public hearing on revaluation forum; 10/15 Commissioners
worksession agenda; Capital Improvement Program public hearing; 11/3
CIP Hearing notice; 11/3 Commissioners agenda; link to CIP document.
Liaised with B&B on membership
database. Answered [email protected], and monitored other committee chair
hits on website; and 12 admin ids. (John Cataldo received mail from
[email protected] from 10/14/08 thru 10/27/08.
November 5 speaker details were not
available before I left for vacation. On my return had to rely on
daily newspapers and radios to get the word out.
Due to date of return from vacation,
there was no Executive Director’s monthly column for October.
Meetings attended: LGA
monthly meeting on 10/1; Membership 10/10; Officers
meeting 10/29; LGA Retreat
follow-on 10/31;
director is a paid part-time position. Total hours for October 57
Director’s Report: September 2008
Mass mailing responses during September,
four (3 NH: 1 BR); plus 5 non-TL new members. Welcome letters were
sent to all new members.
Changed date on Tax Listing letter,
approximated Tax Listing mailing numbers for Brunswick, Mecklenburg
and Warren county mailing, and gave the go ahead for C-Line to print
letter, information enclosure, envelopes and then stuff and seal so we
could get the best price.
From Lake Gaston Tax Listings, removed
duplicate addresses of property owners who owned multiple properties
and removed LGA members; then produced mailing labels for all three
counties: Brunswick 799; Mecklenburg 1,506 and Warren 3,930. Status:
Brunswick were mailed 9/22/08; Warren County envelopes are being
labeled, and Mecklenburg will follow.
Obtained revaluation process status from
County Tax Administrator for Bulletin
Worked with Sherman Merchant to get
business cards from the LGA Supporting Level business for the
October/November Bulletin (new feature)
Produced October/November Bulletin and
521 labels for those receiving Bulletin by US mail.
Updated LGAlert changes from Directors as
they verified the contact information is current.
Committee minutes as available were sent
to website for posting.
Produced new email listings for total
membership and each county from August’s database update.
Emailed all members: Monthly mtg reminder
9/3; Lake level preparation 9/4; Preparing your boats for a hurricane
9/5; October 1 mtg reminder; October/November Bulletin posted to
Emailed members by county: Brunswick:
Halifax: 9/2 Commissioner agenda; Mecklenburg: 9/8 Supervisors
agenda; Northampton: 9/15 change of time notice; 9/15 Commissioners
agenda; Warren: 9/8 Commissioner agenda; 9/23 Public Hearing notice;
PH reminder; Attendee report for 9/23 PH; 10/7 Planning Board mtg
Liaised with B&B on membership database.
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits
on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising October 1 monthly
meeting submitted for September 17 and 24 area newspapers.
Executive Director’s monthly column
submitted to five lake papers for August 24 editions
Executive Director’s September monthly
column was aired on WZRU 90.1 & 90.5 FM 9/30 at 8:55 a.m.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly meeting on
9/3; Membership 9/12; LGA Retreat 9/25; Government Relations 9/29.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total
hours for August 105.75
Director’s Report: August 2008
Received nine responses from Halifax &
Northampton county property owners who answered our mass mailing
solicitation during August. New member welcomes were sent as received
during August.
Obtained tax listings for
Brunswick and Mecklenburg Counties.
Sent letter to Brunswick County
Supervisors stating LGA’s position against the proposed setback
reduction from 100 ft – 40 ft. Sent letter to approx. 40 property
owners affected by proposed setback, sent email to Brunswick County
members urging them to support LGA’s position against proposed setback
and to attend August 20 Public Hearing.
Sent letter to Warren County
Commissioners, Warren County Planner, Warren County Planning Board,
North Carolina Dominion Power, and copied NC Wildlife Resources
stating that we supported Morningstar Marinas’ proposed rezoning
request that a new boat launching pad should not be put within ½ mile
of an existing boat ramp.
Emailed letter to all NC Senators
and Representatives asking that they consider statutes that would
allow part-time lake property owners to vote in local elections, as
well as where they have their permanent residence.
Helped set up and attended NCSU’s
Lake Environment Monitor training for the 2008 Lake Gaston survey
project on August 1.
Updated LGAlert telephone tree;
LGA NC 2008-2009 director listing; and LGAlert listing for Northampton
County. Collecting LGAlert changes from Directors as they call their
share of the LGAlert contacts so we can verify the information is
Prepared Director Handbook for
Linda Hedgepeth, new director with Northampton County and attended
director orientation session for Bill LaMonte and Linda Hedgepeth on
August 21.
Organized with Bruce Johnson
show-and-tell for LGA’s booth at Littleton-Lake Gaston Festival on
August 30. Bruce provided the story board of the NCSU Lake Gaston
Aquatic Plant Survey and the samples of aquatic plants. Helped set up
Committee minutes as available
were sent to website for posting; 911 Emergency Data Card and
accompanying county specific emergency information was reworked to
correspond with August/September Bulletin.
Produced new email listings for
total membership and each county from July’s database update.
Emailed all members: 8/9 O’Sail
reminder; 9/3 monthly mtg reminder.
Emailed members by county:
Brunswick: 8/20 Public hearing agenda; 8/20 attendee report;
Halifax: ; Mecklenburg: 7/14 Supervisors attendee report; 8/11
Supervisors agenda. Northampton: 8/4 attendee report; 8/18
Commissioners agenda; 8/18 attendee report; 9/3 Commissioner agenda.
Warren: 8/14 Citizens Advisory Council agenda; 8/20 Commissioner
worksession reschedule to 8/27 notice; 9/2 Planning Board mtg
cancelled notice.
Liaised with B&B on membership
database. Answered
[email protected], and monitored other committee chair hits
on website; and 12 admin ids.
PSA advertising September 3
monthly meeting submitted for August 27 area newspapers.
Executive Director’s monthly
column submitted to five lake papers for August 37 editions
Executive Director’s June monthly
column was aired on WZRU 90.1 & 90.5 FM Sept 2 at 8:55 a.m.
Meetings attended: LGA monthly
meeting on 8/6; Lake Environment 8/20; Director orientation 8/21;
Officers meeting 8/7; LGA Booth 8/30.
Executive director is a paid part-time position. Total
hours for August 77.75