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  LGA in 2007

10/6 LGA brings US & NC House candidates to Lake Gaston - DETAILS




LGA in 2007
LGA in 2006
LGA in 2005-


LGA Accomplishments
Member Info
Business Members
Salute to Supporters
Meeting Minutes
LGA Bulletins
Executive Director
Opinion Surveys
Stakeholders' Board
Weed Cntrl Council
Lake Geography
Lake Links


Examples of how LGA served our members and
our lake community during 2007

Meet the Candidate Forums when there are upcoming elections – Mecklenburg Candidate Forum October 18, 2007.

Property Tax Forum for all counties on January 6, resulting in follow-on speakers to address how the money is spent & setting of tax rate.

Supporting Virginia House Bill1627 & Senate Bill 1241 for mandatory boater education.

Supporting North Carolina HB 1585 for mandatory boater education

LGA Monthly Meeting first Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., Lake Gaston Baptist Church

  • Guest speaker – topic of interest to lake communities
  • Status of Committee projects, opportunity for members/public to put forth concerns, ask questions.

Monthly Five County Meetings:  We will have a LGA representative at each of the Commissioners/Supervisors monthly meetings, Planning meetings, and Public Hearings.

Brunswick County:

  • Persuaded Brunswick County to keep $116,000 in 2007-2008 budget for LGWCC with help from membership.
  • Charlette Woolridge County Administrator presented to County budget process and setting of tax meeting at LGA monthly meeting on July 11, 2007.
  • Letter to Brunswick County Commissioners requesting they support $116,000 for LGWCC in their 2007-8 budget. 
  • Letter to Commissioners/Supervisors advising them of our members priorities of Supporting Lake Gaston Weed Control Council funding; Increase law enforcement presence and visibility at Lake Gaston (both on land and water); and Support improvement of Emergency Medical Response.
  • Presented LGA’s position at Public Hearing to Brunswick Co. Supervisors September 19, 2007 on their Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment Article 21: Sign Regulations.
  • Letter to VA Department of Environmental Quality dated October 23, 2007 requesting a meeting to discuss our concerns about the application from Lakeside Commons, LLC to build a water treatment plant & discharge treated water into Pea Hill Creek.

Northampton County

  • Wayne Jenkins, County Manager presented to County budget process and setting of tax meeting at LGA monthly meeting on February 7, 2007.
  • Special Northampton County Board of Commissioners meeting brought to lake to meet LGA members and local taxpayers.
  • Letter to Northampton County Commissioners requesting they support $116,000 for LGWCC in their 2007-8 budget. 
  • Letter to Commissioners/Supervisors advising them of our members priorities of Supporting Lake Gaston Weed Control Council funding; Increase law enforcement presence and visibility at Lake Gaston (both on land and water); and Support improvement of Emergency Medical Response.
  • LGA Northampton County directors influential in Northampton County Commissioners’ decision to: fund four deputies and cars; reduce Fire Tax from 4 cents to 2½ cents; and reduce property tax from 79 cents to 78 cents.

Warren County:

  • Linda Jones, County Manager presented to County budget process and setting of tax meeting at LGA monthly meeting on April 5, 2007.
  • Letter to Warren County Commissioners requesting they support $116,000 for LGWCC in their 2007-8 budget. 
  • Letter to Commissioners/Supervisors advising them of our members priorities of Supporting Lake Gaston Weed Control Council funding; Increase law enforcement presence and visibility at Lake Gaston (both on land and water); and Support improvement of Emergency Medical Response.
  • Letter to Commissioners supporting Sheriff Johnny Williams' 2007-8 budget request for four additional deputies to cover lake area in Warren County.
  • Comments were submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on December 5, 2007 asking that Eaton Crossing’s request for a permit to build a new 120+ boat slip be disapproved because the LGA felt it violated Section 3.2 (page 6) of the Shoreline Management Plan.

Halifax County:

  • Matthew Delk presented to County budget process and setting of tax meeting at LGA monthly meeting on March 7, 2007.
  • Letter to Halifax County Commissioners requesting they support $116,000 for LGWCC in their 2007-8 budget. 
  • Letter to Commissioners/Supervisors advising them of our members priorities of Supporting Lake Gaston Weed Control Council funding; Increase law enforcement presence and visibility at Lake Gaston (both on land and water); and Support improvement of Emergency Medical Response.

Mecklenburg County:

  • Wayne Carter, County Administrator presented to County budget process and setting of tax meeting at LGA monthly meeting on May 2, 2007.
  • Letter to Mecklenburg County Commissioners requesting they support $116,000 for LGWCC in their 2007-8 budget. 
  • Letter to Commissioners/Supervisors advising them of our members priorities of Supporting Lake Gaston Weed Control Council funding; Increase law enforcement presence and visibility at Lake Gaston (both on land and water); and Support improvement of Emergency Medical Response.
  • Orchestrated a Meet the Candidate Forum for Senate, Sheriff, Commissioner of Revenue and Treasurer candidates on October 18, at 7:30 p.m. at R.T. Arnold Library, South Hill, VA. Members and public attended.
  • Robert Hendrick, Mecklenburg Planning & Zoning director presented to October 3 LGA monthly meeting on cluster home development, erosion and sediment control, and sign ordinances.

LGA Committees and key projects:

Planning & Development (new 2007):

  • To promote action by the two states and five counties bordering Lake Gaston to adopt practices to ensure that sound land use and development practices are employed and guide future development in an efficient and serviceable manner which is protective of Lake Gaston's predominantly rural and ecologically sensitive character."

Lake Environment:

  • Exploring re-vegetation of shoreline pilot.
  • Lake Environment Monitor team working with NCSU’s Dr. Rob Richardson to identify most common and most problematic aquatic plants, as part of the NCSU Fall 2007 Lake Gaston Mapping Project that will include mapping floating hydrilla mats in November. Training for this project occurred August 28; data gathering in full swing.
  • Lake Environment Chair and President wear Dominion pagers 24/7 and launch LGAlert system telephone tree based on call from Dominion.

 Aquatic Weed:

  • Updating 2006 Recommended Lake Gaston Management Plan (proposing 15 grass carp per vegetated area).
  • Works with Lake Gaston Weed Control Council to improve flow of information about who does what and communicate that information with its members via bi-monthly Bulletin, press releases and emails to membership.


  • Membership drive - Trial and Realtor General Membership Gift Certificates, revised HOAs rules.


  • Promoting boater safety training.
  • Supporting North Carolina Mandatory Boating Legislation.
  • Continuing to look at Emergency response.

 Public Affairs:

  • Fall candidate forum for Mecklenburg County.
  • Provides monthly speakers on topics of interest to lake community.