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  Membership Minutes

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Membership Committee Minutes:  June 11, 2010


Attendees; Moira Underwood, Sherman Merchant, Doug Hughes, Bill La Monte, and I.


Bill La Monte has to be out of town for a while. Marketing and Membership will meet together until he returns.


Membership status on May 31st is 1394 Businesses and Households.


Moira re-supplied us with current Bulletins and Business applications.


We will use the existing Tax Listings, to recruit in the Fall for new members in 2011. We will budget for new Tax Listings in the Fall of 2010 to be used in the Fall of 2011, for the 2012 membership drive. The biggest impact is on Moira. She has to obtain the data, and then edit it to be mailed out by C-Line.


The proposed “½ Price Fee” for the last half of the calendar year was approved by the Membership and Marketing Committees to be $12.50 General Membership & $25 for Businesses. Sherman will write the draft PSA for the “1/2 Price” recruiting, to be used in the media and send to the Membership team for review. Moira will handle sending the PSA to the area newspapers and radios. Thanks Sherman.


Next meeting, July 9th, at The Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille, at 10:00 a. m.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  May 14, 2010


Attendees; Moira Underwood, Sherman Merchant, Doug Hughes, and I.


Membership has grown to 1391 Households and Businesses by April 30th. An increase of 43 since February 28th. New Businesses accounted for 13 of these.


John will try to get the names of the presidents of all subdivisions/communities to ask them if we can recruit members at their meetings.


We talked about a new recruiting tool. Because two key membership members were not at the meeting, David will summarize the items discussed, and send out to all for a vote.


David will contact SeaTow’s new ownership, to see if they will continue to give a discount to LGA members. Captain Charlie said they will discount memberships to: $99.00 for Lake Gaston OR Kerr Lake; and $129.00 for all SeaTow areas in the U. S.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  April 9, 2010


Attendees; Moira Underwood, Bill La Monte, Sherman Merchant, John Cataldo, Doug Hughes, and I


Officers want faster growth. Brain-stormed ways to increase membership totals to 2000. So far, mailings to tax payers in all five counties, have provided the best source of new members. The newest proposal has been to offer a ½ price fee for the last ½ of the year. Apparently, other Lake organizations have done this. We had a one time Trial Membership a few years ago. Success was limited, and renewals were only 67% of those that joined. Regular memberships renew at about 88% to 90% rate.


Still working with Topper’s Pizza to join.


Still need to become more visible to the public. At Festivals, few people have heard of us, much less know what the LGA is doing for them. Need to help Marketing get the LGA’s face out in the community.


Ferncliff still hasn’t renewed all of their members. And since West Winds pulled out of the HOA program, only 29 West Wind homeowners renewed individually, as compared to the 59 we had as an HOA.


We will use the existing Tax Listings, to recruit in the Fall for new members in 2011. We will budget for new Tax Listings in the Fall of 2010 to be used in the Fall of 2011, for the 2012 membership drive. The biggest impact is on Moira. She has to obtain the data, and then edit it to be mailed out by C-Line.


John will draft a letter directed to HOA presidents and/or contact that will be sent via the LGA’s Members email list. The letter will ask the recipient to forward the letter to their HOA president to ask them if the LGA can include their name/position/email address/telephone # in a list that can be shared with non-LGA members, such as realtor’s & local Chambers of Commerce.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  February / March 2010


Attendees; Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, Bill LaMonte, John Cataldo, Doug Hughes, and I.


As of December 23rd , 412 had not renewed, and on March 10th the number was 170 and shrinking each week.


There were 1348 Households and Businesses as of February 12th.


There were 1367 members as of March 12th.71 former members re-joined form the, “Tax Listing Letters”, and the “We’ve Missed Letters”, sent again this year.


We thank you for Your support. We’re growing each year.


Marketing has signed up to attend the home show in Roanoke Rapids on April 17th and 18th, and we’ll support this effort.


Membership’s next meeting is April 9th at 10:00, at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille. Ya’ll Come.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  December 11, 2009


Attendees: Moira Underwood, Bill LaMonte, Doug Hughes, and I


There are over 1500 members as of December 11th. We’ll know exactly by December 31st.


The renewal responses have been brisk, and the responses from the Property Owner Tax Records Letters are going well.


Moira will mail “Reminder notices” to the non-renewals, the first week in January based on renewals as of 12/23/09.


The LGA will discontinue member services, to non-renewals, the end of January. The annual calls the Membership Team makes to the non-renewals, will begin February 13th.


The Laura’s Woods, and Timbuctu HOA’s, have already renewed. We are waiting to hear from the Ferncliff treasurer. West Winds decided at the beginning of November that they would not be renewing their property owners for 2010. Moira sent individual renewal notices on November 11 to the 50 LGA members living in West Winds. Responses are coming in.


Our next meeting is January 8th, at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grill, at 10:00 a. m.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  November 2009 - no meeting scheduled


Membership Committee Minutes:  October 19, 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, Sherman Merchant, Doug Hughes, and I.


Thanks to all of you for your loyalty. Your Voices make all the difference, with the county governments. We appreciate the long term commitment of the “90” Lifetime members.


The total membership is 1432, (including 49 businesses in 2009 from the Marketing Team). The total since July 31st is 115 memberships, including some early renewals. The LGA goal by December 31st is 1500. See the Marketing Web site, for the Business benefits which include six Bulletin ads per year and 365 days of Web Site linkage.


The Membership team signed on for the Chili Cook-off, on October 31st, and the Parade of Lights on November 14th.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  September 11, 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, Bill LaMonte, and I


The Tax Listings for all 5 counties were mailed between August 27th and September 9th. As of this meeting Moira had already received some renewals. The LGA is expecting a good increase in memberships like last year. The Team opted to only send a one page letter, and that saved $450.00.


The renewal letters for 2009 members will be mailed the week of October 15th. Be sure to renew early, because the Team decided to end benefits on January 31st this year, instead of the end of March. We’ll be sure to keep you informed.


Bill LaMonte presented the standard LGA sponsor ad (black and white), and the one for the Lake Life Magazine (color).


We’ll meet at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille, Friday October 19th @ 10:00AM.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  August 14, 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Bill La Monte, and I


We appreciate the support of all 1317 of you this year. The LGA’s goal for 2010 is 1500. Please talk to your friends and neighbors.


Moira has been preparing the letters for: those renewing from 2009, Realtor Gifts, We Missed You (in 2009), Info Updates for Lifetime members, and about 8500 Letters to the Tax Payers of ALL five Counties. The Taxpayer letters will be sent to the printers the week of August 17th. The latter are very important because we gained 184 members from this mailing in 2009. That was the most we’ve gotten from any source, ever. The idea originated with Kitty Slayton, Membership Chair, in 2004.


We manned the 5th Hole at the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce Golf Fund Raiser, And will help with The Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival, September 4th and 5th. Yes, September is near.


Our next meeting is September 11th, at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille, at 10:00.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair 



Membership Committee Minutes:  July 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Linda Hedgepeth, Moira Underwood, Sherman Merchant, and I.


Only 114 2008 members did not renew in 2009.  Thank you, thank you.  Our best retention numbers yet.


There are 1311 total voices this year, including the great job by, Bill La Monte, Sherman Merchant, and Moira, in recruiting businesses.


The Property Owners’ mailing listing for the five Counties, will be mailed in August, (Moira). Moira will send us the Realtor Gift, We’ve Missed You, and regular membership renewal letters to the Membership Team to review at our next meeting.


Ask your friends and neighbors, to add their voices.


Next meeting August 14th, at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille, at 10:00.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair 


Membership Committee Minutes:  June 12 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, John Cataldo, and I.


Thanks to all of you, we have grown to 1308 members.

Four Home Owners Associations have joined.


Linda Hedgepeth, is a Realtor, and is the focal point for Realtor Gift Memberships.  Continued slow sales, and the economy have an impact.


The Mission Statement was reviewed, and was approved as: The Membership Mission is to; Develop and Execute campaigns to Recruit new members and Retain existing members. 


Our new recruiting idea came from member, Roland Beauchaine. Review all five Counties recent real estate sales records, and include them in our tax listing new member drive.  Moira will contact counties for their 2009 sales of Lake Gaston properties.


We developed a timeline to send renewal letters for 2010 to our current members in October, 2009 with reminders in the Bulletins and a reminder letter February 1, and telephone calls in March.


Solicitations for new members via the county tax listings will start in July 2009 and membership will be good thru 2010. Last year’s county tax listings will be re-used (minus the new members). Moira will send last year’s letter to the Membership committee for review and finalizing.


Next meeting July 10th 2009, at 10:00 a. m., at Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille.


For The Team,

David Duxbury, Chair



Membership Committee Minutes:  May, 2009


Attendees: Moira Underwood, Sherman Merchant, Bill La Monte, and I.


We agreed that Marketing and Membership were sufficiently different in Mission, Purpose, and Tactics to remain separate committees.


Membership will participate in the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce Golf fund raiser,

later this Summer.


The final list of prospective business sites to ask to display the new LGA Brochures was approved.


David will send the final draft of the Committee Mission to all committee members for comment.


We want to remind all members to attend the meetings for their Counties’ Commissioners/ Supervisors.  Moira sends notice of these meetings to you when the Counties e-mail them to her.   Also, please read the Notes from your Directors who attend these meetings, on your behalf, each month.  Another great service of your LGA.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:   16 April 2009 
        (combined meeting with Marketing Committee)

Attendees: Moira Underwood, Linda Hedgepeth, Sherman Merchant, John Cataldo, Bill La Monte, and I


We only had 127 members who did not renew, these members received their April/May 2009 Bulletin but as of April 1, their member services were dropped. If they do renew at a later date, services will be resumed.


We will add a seventh step to our retention process.  At the same time we send out the 2010 renewals, we will send a “We miss you letter” to the remaining, 2009 non-renewals.


The marketing team earned a huge Thanks.  They signed up 14 new businesses in the last month.  Thirty plus, total.


The Realtor gift membership is very slow this year; surprise, surprise Sales are waaay Down.  Thanks to Linda for leading the Realtor Gift recruiting.


Join your LGA neighbors at the 20th Anniversary picnic, May 16th, at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church.  BBQ and Slaw and a Drink for $2.00.


The Team will stock the Brochure racks in April.  If you know of a good business for us to contact to place brochures at their business, let us know.  (252) 586-6577.


Membership Committee Minutes:  March 13, 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, Bill LaMonte, Sherman Merchant, John Cataldo, and Me.


Moira gave the Team the current list of 2008 members who have not yet re-joined.  At 149, this is our lowest number of non-renewals, in any year. We’ll call them this month, and remind them that their benefits will end April 1st.


We looked at what Family, recruiting methods weren’t very successful.  The two least fruitful, Realtor Gifts and Home Owners’ Associations (HOA) discounts, will continue; but will not be as actively pursued, as in years past.  The best was Letters to Property Owners in all five counties. Linda Hedgepeth couldn’t attend, but she sent us an e-mail.  She stated that the sales volume was extremely low in 2008.  Realtor Gift Memberships will vary directly with sales at the Lake. 


Please tell your friends and neighbors of the member benefits like: Bulletins, Alerts, “Director’s Notes” from attending Local government meetings, and Surveys on current issues. 


Again, Thank you all for adding your voices to the LGA.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  February 13, 2009


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Linda Hedgepeth, Moira Underwood, and Me


Moira gave us the membership renewal status.   1376 Total, 83 are lifetime.  18 have renewed this past month.   Thanks to all of you.   Two Home Owners’ Associations (HOA’s) don’t renew until their Spring meetings.  231 remain to renew, including the HOA’s. The Timbuctu HOA was sent a Thank You letter, for joining.


Since the renewal letter was sent out the last week of October, a reminder letter was sent 1st week of February and reminders were also put in the December/January and February/March Bulletins.  The Membership team will then call in March those members who have not renewed. This step has been fruitful in the past. We gain a fair number of renewals, and find out why some do not.


Moira gave the Team the list of non-renewals, by county.  She is sending e-mails to us as renewals come in.  At the next Member Meeting, on March 13th, we’ll finalize the calling list.  Everyone will be told their benefits will end April 1st.


The Team will visit our supporting businesses, to see if they will allow us to continue to put the (new) LGA Brochure, at their sites.


Next meeting at Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille, Friday, March  the 13th, at 10:00 a. m.


For the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair



Membership Committee Minutes:  January 9, 2009


 Attendees: Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, Bill LaMonte, Bill Lindenmuth, and I


Thanks to all of you that have renewed already and joined for 2009.  We now have 1305 total families.  Not a record, but good growth.


The renewal rate for January 2009 is 42% ahead of January 2008. Thanks! Your Voices are the answer to the LGA being able to influence government.  


The Members that joined, from the “letters to property owners” this Summer have added 167 new members.   The income has exceeded the expense.  Thanks! 59 members have renewed since December 19th and eight new members joined. Thanks!


In 2006 we had 52 new members, in 2007 69, and in 2008 191.  Thanks!


We now have 81 Lifetime members.  In January 2008 we had 49. Thanks!  This equates to 81 members joining as general members for ten years into the future.


Timbuctu joined as a Home Owners’ Association.  Thanks!


Moira, great report. Thanks!


The Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotillas need to contact members FAST, in an Emergency.  One Flotilla found software that automatically calls all members. The cost for the number of members in the LGA, is less than $0.09, per call.  One call does it all.  We may be the first to alert the communities? 


By the way,  Did we say,   Thanks!!

For The Team,

David Duxbury, Chair



Joint Membership & Marketing Committee Minutes:  December 18, 2008


 Attendees:  John Cataldo, Moira Underwood, David Duxbury, Bill Lindenmuth, Laura Kolb, Tony Moran, Sherman Merchant, Bill La Monte


This was a joint meeting of Membership and Marketing so that we could finalize our Retreat Goals.


Prior to the retreat goals we covered:


Tax Letter Sign-Ups:  Moira and David reported that there were over 120 new members from the tax letters and this more than covered the money spent on creating and mailing the letters.


Business Letter:  The newly created Business Letter was finalized and we will start contacting business’s right after the start of the year.  The letter to get business’s to upgrade from General membership was also finalized.


20th Anniversary Cookout;  Plans going forward for a free membership cookout with updated information to be provided at next meeting.


LGA Bulletin Boards:  Moira suggested we check with Jimmy Clark Signs to see about getting sign placement locations in the area. 


Realtor Free Membership to New Property Owners:  David reported that Linda had told him she was going to start making realtor contacts before the end of the year.  This is a good program and is a real good means of contacting new property owners in the area.  All the real estate agent needs to do is fill out a simple, one page form that gives a new property owner free LGA membership for that calendar year.


The next Marketing Meeting will be on 15 January at 8:30AM at the Eaton Ferry Gas and Grill.  See you there!!


David Duxbury & Bill La Monte



Membership Committee Minutes:  November 2008


Attendees:   Linda Hedgepeth, Moira, Bill LaMonte, Sherman, John Cataldo, and Me.


Moira gave us a briefing on the decline in memberships each year since 2004. We have retained existing members at a better rate since 2005 by: more Bulletin articles and additional letters in the November through February time frame.  The Membership team actually calls those that do not renew by the end of February.  About 20% to 25% of these members return.  They also like the personal contact, and provide tips to pass on to the Officers.

The LGA is their eyes and ears with Government, land development, and the overall well being of their Lake Community.

Let’s ask the devoted members that show up for the monthly meetings why they are loyal, outspoken members; and committee members.


The response to the letters to property owners in the five counties has added xxx new members, with more coming in each month.  As of October 31st, we have 1258 members, and 72 are Lifetimes.


We discussed Goal I from the retreat, “Increase and Effectively Involve the Members”.  Physically engaging part-time members is difficult.  To recruit part-timers, we need to find out what their issues, if any.  Most of our ideas have guided us toward a Survey.  Members realize we are not in charge of weed control, which is their primary concern. 

Our main value is that we attend all levels of County Government meetings when they’re not available.  The LGA also has active members on planning boards and advisory committees for development, land use, and zoning.


Talking to Home Owners’ Associations (HOA’s) has not been fruitful.  They aren’t very interested in activity outside of their subdivision.  We recommend that the Directors AND Members take a challenge, to recruit members from their neighborhood and friends.  You are the best source to personally talk to people about the LGA’s Value to them.


Next Meeting is combined with the Marketing Committee December 18th, at 8:30 at the Grocery and Grille.


Respectively Submitted for the Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  October 10, 2008


The LGA membership committee meeting was held at 10 am on October 10, 2008 at the Eaton Ferry Grill.  Members present were Linda Hedgepeth, Laura Kolb and Moira Underwood.


The following LGA membership data was reported by Moira on 10/10/08:

As of 9/30/08 LGA had 1201   MEMBERS:

Breakdown:        2008:           1061

             2009:       80

             2099:       60 (Lifetime)

Data from mailings to non-members - Halifax/Northampton Counties

            750 letters mailed 6/30/08 to Halifax:                  15 joined

            1530   “          “             “  to Northampton:         38 joined

                                                **Warren:                      2 joined

                                                       **Brunswick:           3 joined

                                                                                               58 new members

NOTE: **These new members were on Halifax or Northampton lists but may have moved to Halifax or Northampton Counties or they may have properties in two counties.       

Data from mailings to non-members – Brunswick, Warren & Mecklenburg Counties

                        799 letters mailed 9/22/08 to Brunswick:                 4 joined*

                        3030 letters mailed 10/03/08 to Warren                  2 joined*

                        1506 letters will be mailed to Mecklenburg on 10/10/08*

Note* It is too early to evaluate these mailings

2009 Renewal Letters

1061 memberships expire December 31, 2008  (This # includes 4 realtor complimentary memberships and the HOAs from Laura Woods, West Winds and Ferncliff )

Miss you letters to 2007 past members:  183

Information Verification letters to Lifetime members: 60


Discussion was held regarding how best to approach HOAs in order to increase their interest in joining LGA.   A main factor will be the willingness of all directors to promote LGA in their Associations.  Further discussion needs to occur at the retreat evaluation meeting as to feasibility, effectiveness etc. given the wide variance in organization style, meeting dates, property owner participation and involvement etc. in these Associations.


Bill LaMonte nor Sherman Merchant were in attendance to give more information on Halifax Days or Holiday Boat Parade but there have been emails sent out requesting volunteers to work on October 18th and we have seen some responses – hoping for more who are able to assist.  Bruce Johnson is providing his wonderful display of aquatic weeds which is a great attraction and an asset for recruitment.


Bill Lindenmuth has set up a tentative account with PayPal but is still in the process of finalizing operations, security and features to be provided.  Once completed, PayPal, will provide the membership with the ability to pay their dues online.  Moira and Bill will continue to work on this project.


Respectfully submitted.

Laura Kolb, Substitute Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  September 12, 2008


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Moira Underwood, Bill LaMonte, Bill Lindenmuth, John Cataldo, and I


Bill LaMonte’s idea to reward members who bring in two new members with an opportunity to win $35.00, was tabled pending the development of rules and procedures. When finalized, information will be provided to the membership.


Thanks to all that joined as a result of the June 30th property owners’ letters to Halifax and Northampton Counties.  55 joined.  This is the largest number of new members we’ve gained from any single recruiting campaign.  Thanks to Kitty Slaton for the use of her idea from 2005.


Moira will send 660 Brunswick property owner letters the week of September 15th.

Mecklenburg (1242) and Warren (4000) counties will soon follow.


Renewal letters, for 2009, will be mailed by November 1st.  A “miss you” letter will be sent to 2007 members that did not renew in 2008.  Homeowners’ Group discount memberships will still be offered.  We also agreed that the lifetime membership is for families- not businesses


We developed a draft 2009 budget for renewal letters, and the 5 county property owner letters.


Bill Lindemuth is investigating a way to allow members to pay dues through Pay Pal.


Membership recommends the LGA participate in, Lake Gaston Holiday Boat Parade, day and night festivities, again this year


We meet at the Eaton Ferry Grocery and Grille at 10:00 a. m., on the second Friday.

Next meeting October 10th.  Many great ideas come from members at LGA monthly meetings.


Respectfully submitted for the Membership Team,

David Duxbury, Chair


Membership Committee Minutes:  August 8, 2008 


Attendees: Laura Kolb, Bill LaMonte, John Cataldo, Sherman Merchant, and David Duxbury


55 new members joined as a result of the letters mailed to Halifax and Northampton Counties

Property owners.  This is the largest number of new members from any source, so far. 

Warren, Brunswick, and Mecklenburg County owners will be sent letters in October. 

Those joining from September 1st, will be members through December 31, 2009. 

Moira will coordinate the large volume of mail from these letters and the renewal letters. 


Renewal letters for 2009 will be sent by November 10, 2008.


Bill and Sherman talking to businesses about the benefits of LGA membership.  Thye are also planning a campaign to get the Realtor Complementary Memberships energized.


Thanks to all who joined in 2008, and to our faithful, long-time members.


Respectfully submitted,

David Duxbury,  Chair